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Installation, Preventive Maintenance & Warranty Services

Providing a Carefree Equipment Lifecycle

The after-sales care of your equipment is as important as the initial purchase. The key to keeping this equipment running reliably and smoothly is a regular maintenance programme carried out by qualified and industry trained engineers.p>

Avantor Services can offer tailor-made maintenance agreements with a choice of service and calibration intervals for a huge range of laboratory equipment and instrumentation.

  • Autoclaves, media preps, ovens, incubators & furnaces
  • Centrifuges, fume hoods & microbiological cabinets
  • Glassware washing machines & water purification systems
  • Hitachi & VWR collection HPLC equipment
  • Freezers, -80’s, refrigerators & cryogenics systems
  • Balances, pipettes, microscopes
  • PCR machine & hot blocks
  • Analogue & digital thermometers

Explore Our Installation, Preventive Maintenance & Warranty Services

Equipment & Instrument Servicing

Keep your laboratory running with our collection of tools, technology, and services focused on calibration, validation, and (preventive) maintenance.

Pipette Calibration

ISO 17025, NIST-traceable calibration and repair services for all makes, models, and configurations of pipettes, bottle-top dispensers, and more!

Centrifuge Repair & Services

To ensure a safe working environment and the best performance of all your centrifuges, we offer simple and clear contracts that cover all tasks for proper maintenance, calibration, and qualification.

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