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Simplify Clinical Trials Management

An Expert with You Every Step of the Way

Keeping pace with the global growth of clinical trials studies has led to an increase in logistical challenges, as clinical trials support is needed in new geographies and emerging markets. The focus is no longer just on managing multiple deadlines, vendors, project managers, and CROs. You now have to determine how to get products and ancillary supplies to new global markets, within strict international regulations and tight timelines.

These studies are dynamic and can suddenly require a scale-up in testing. To meet the needs of a rapidly changing clinical trial, you need to manage immediate custom supplier kitting from a trusted vendor, have those kits delivered in-time within local regulations, and maintain supply chain integrity for traceability and audit compliance. The demands are in constant rotation – like the global world you’re working to manage.

Find balance with Avantor Services. Take advantage of our proven expertise in supply chain logistics, as we eliminate complications by managing all of your equipment, custom kits, ancillary supplies, and archive and biorepository needs around the world. Partner with us to harness our global reach and local support. View the resources below to find out more.

Service Solution Spotlight

Clinical & Biorepository Services

Many demands can stand in the way of clinical trial outcomes. How much time is your in-house clinical trial group spending on sourcing, procuring, kitting, and shipping clinical trial supplies and equipment?

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    Explore Our Holistic Solutions for Your Challenge

    Custom Clinical Kits and Supplies

    Therapak supplies pre-packaged convenience kits, procedure packs, and customized kits for the clinical trial, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and clinical laboratory.

    Clinical Equipment and Ancillaries Management

    MESM is a well-known, highly respected, and ISO 9001-certified provider of equipment and ancillary supplies for clinical trials in over 80 countries.

    Archive and Biorepository Services

    EPL Archives is an international biorepository services organization that supports customers across the entire regulated product research, development, and commercialization lifecycle.

    Chemical Management

    Outsourcing delivers comprehensive solutions to chemical management challenges

    Instrument Calibration & Validation

    Keep your results accurate and consistent with these calibration services, ensuring the right reading every time.

    Take the Next Step

    Ready to Get Started?

    Our Avantor Services team can help!

    Yes, let's get started!

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