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How future trends in regulations towards sustainability can impact your laboratory chemicals management


Thursday, 24th June, 2021
11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


With the Zero Pollution Ambition of the European Green Deal, the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability CSS aims to ban hazardous chemicals unless their uses are proven to be essential for our society.

Consistently following the precautionary principle, the CSS is paving the way towards safe and sustainable chemicals by design.

Furthermore, the EU Commission plans to implement the same level of safety and protection in laboratories as for private consumers.

This all will have a significant impact on the use of chemicals in laboratories.

As multiple actions along the implementation roadmap has already been started, this webinar will give you latest insights how the use of hazardous chemicals in laboratories might be impacted in the future.

We all need to be clear on the following: While REACH and CLP had been a warm-up exercise, the CSS is the ultimate challenge to increase safety and sustainability of chemicals in the EU.

For more information, please contact us at

Presented by:

Michael Siebold

He is head of Hazard Communication and Chemicals Regulations at Merck Some of Dr. Siebold's experience:

  • Implementation of GHS and REACH in the European Union
  • Global standardization of hazard communication (GHS classification and MSDS creation) in the Merck Group
  • Advocacy of Regulatory Affairs topics on national and supranational level (e.g. standardization of risk communication tasks under REACH)
  • Implementation of volunteer Responsible Care programs with regard to product safety (e g GPS: product safety summaries)
  • Lecturer at the Goethe University of Frankfurt and Leibniz University of Hanover

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