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Certified Reference Material Grade pH Buffers & Conductivity Standards


Thursday, 4th May, 2023
10:00 to 11:00 CEST (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


pH measurement is second most commonly performed measurement globally. Conductivity measurement is a useful parameter to predict water quality & its measurent ensures water is pure and suitable for pharmaceutical applications. Hence, it’s important to use Certified Reference Material grade pH buffer & Conductivity standards for accurate determinations. This webinar will present the overview of CRM grade pH buffers & Conductivity Standards which are extensively used in Pharma industry. In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Brief Overview of Reference Materials
  • pH buffers Portfolio: Different formats, grades, Certification methods & more
  • Conductivity Standards Portfolio

For more information, please contact us at

Presented By:


Dr. Shailly Krishna Rajusth

Dr. Shailly Krishna Rajusth is the Global Product Manager for Physical & Chemical Property Standards including water testing standards. She is part of Merck's Advanced Analytical Reference Materials team, located in Bangalore/India. In her current role she works closely with QC, R&D & respective application areas of these products to improve & develop this portfolio. She has nearly 10 years of experience in Digital Marketing, Scientific Content Writing, Quality & Regulatory Department. Dr. Shailly has completed PhD in Analytical chemistry & holds a Masters degree in Analytical Chemistry from the Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

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