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How to make your lab a safer place? Bring safety in your lab to the next level with Merck!


Thursday, November 21st, 2019
14:00 to 15:00 CEST (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


webinar overiew

When I ask you if you take safety serious in your everyday life to protect your children, family and friends, your answer will most likely be: “YES”! On the other hand, in a working environment, colleagues can sometimes consider safety rules and protocols just as ‘additional work’. Even if you don’t love your colleagues as much as you love your family and friends, your dedication to safe behavior in your workspace should be no different from safety in your personal life.

During this webinar, you will learn more to change your behavior to improve safety in your laboratory. The webinar will cover some of the most critical topics regarding (chemical) safety in the laboratory:

  • General rules in the lab
  • Safe handling of chemicals
  • Safe storage of chemicals
  • Waste management
  • Behavioral aspects


Presented by:

Dr. Michael Siebold
Head of Life Science Hazard Communication and Chemicals Regulations at Merck

With Dr. Siebold’s experience in the field, it is safe to say he is an expert on product safety. Some of his experience:

  • Implementation of the CLP and REACH Regulation in the European Union
  • Subsequent implementation of GHS and REACH-like requirements in other major markets around the globe (like China, South Korea, US)
  • Lean and six sigma optimization and digital transformation of product safety processes including development and use of in-silico prediction tools
  • Advocacy of product safety topics on national and supranational level (e.g. standardization of risk communication tasks under REACH)
  • Lecturer at the Goethe University of Frankfurt on product safety and Leibniz University of Hanover on water protection

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