Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase Kit based on naphthol AS-BI and fast red violet LB, Sigma-Aldrich®
Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase Kit
Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) kits are intended for the semi-quantitative demonstration of alkaline phosphatase activity in white blood cells.
- Suitable for haematology
- Suitable for histology
Peripheral blood or bone marrow preparations are fixed to a microscope slide. The film is then incubated in a mixture of naphthol AS-BI alkaline solution with fast red violet LB. The resulting insoluble diffuse, red dye deposit indicates sites of alkaline phosphatase activity.
Kit component
Citrate Solution (91-5) 50 mL
FRV-Alkaline Solution (86-2) 10 mL
Hematoxylin Solution, Gill No. 3 (kit only) 50 mL
Naphthol AS-BI Alkaline Solution (86-1) 10 mL
Sodium Nitrite Solution (91-4) 10 mL