genesig® Easy DNA qPCR Detection Kit (Salmonella spp)
Réactifs pour acides nucléiques
qPCR/RT-qPCR Enzymes and Kits
This genesig® Easy qPCR detection kit targets the invasion protein (invA) gene from Salmonella spp. The kit is designed for the in vitro quantification of Salmonella spp genomes and to have a broad detection profile.
- The primers will detect over 95% of sequences available on the NCBI database at the time of last review
- Due to the dynamics of genetic variation, new sequence information may become available after the most recent review
- This kit for use on the genesig® q16 instrument
Salmonella spp is a bacterium which primarily infects poultry and livestock, but can also infect humans and other animals. Infection can lead to salmonellosis (gastroenteritis or enteric typhoid fever). The genus is divided into two species: S. enterica and S. bongori. S. enterica has a further six subspecies and the Salmonella genus then has more than 2500 serovars, of which all are predicted to be detected by this qPCR kit.
This kit is stable for shipping at ambient temperature but should be stored at –20 °C upon arrival. Once the lyophilised components have been resuspended, they should not be exposed to temperatures above –20 °C for longer than 30 minutes at a time and unnecessary repeated freeze/thawing should be avoided. The kit is stable for six months from the date of resuspension under these circumstances. Primer Design Ltd does not recommend using the kit after the expiry date stated on the pack.
This kit can be used with all types of samples from various origins. Please ensure that the extracted nucleic acid samples are suitable in terms of purity, concentration, and DNA integrity.
Under optimal PCR conditions the kit can achieve priming efficiencies between 90 to 110% and detect less than 100 copies of target template.
Information de livraison: Kit contents: Salmonella spp primer/probe mix (including internal extraction control primers and probes) (50 reactions) FAM and VIC labelled as standard (1 brown cap tube); Salmonella spp positive control template (1 red cap tube); oasig® Lyophilised 2X qPCR Master Mix (1 silver cap tube); oasig® resuspension buffer (for resuspension of the Master Mix) (1 blue cap tube); Internal extraction control DNA template (1 blue cap tube in silver foil wrapper); RNase/DNase free water (for resuspension of primer/probe mixes) (1 white cap tube); Template preparation buffer (for resuspension of internal control template, positive control template and standard curve preparation) (2 yellow cap tube); genesig® q16 reaction tubes (54).
Attention: This product is developed, designed and sold for research purposes only.