StemSpan™-AOF Medium
Milieux de culture cellulaire
For culture and expansion of human hematopoietic cells.
StemSpan™-AOF is an animal origin-free (AOF) medium that has been developed for the in vitro culture and expansion of human hematopoietic cells, when appropriate growth factors/cytokines and supplements (e.g. small molecules) are added. This allows users the flexibility to prepare medium that meets their requirements. StemSpan™-AOF contains only recombinant proteins and synthetic components, and does not contain serum or other human- or animal-derived components. StemSpan™-AOF has also demonstrated a higher capacity than other commercially available media for the expansion of both CD34⁺CD90⁺CD45RA⁻ and CD34brightCD90⁺CD45RA⁻ subsets, enriched for hematopoietic stem cells: CD34+ cells from cord blood expanded in StemSpan™-AOF for 7 days demonstrated similar or higher repopulation than uncultured cells when transplanted into sub-lethally irradiated NSG mice and measured at both short- (3 week) and long-term (20 week) engraftment timepoints. StemSpan™-AOF is manufactured under relevant cGMPs, ensuring the highest quality and consistency for reproducible results.
Stemcell Technologies maintains registered Drug Master Files for StemSpan™-AOF with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and with the Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). Request a Letter of Authorization (LOA) for StemSpan™-AOF's Drug Master File. Note: The FDA Master File is in the process of being updated with the new format of StemSpan™-AOF: currently only the 500 ml format is referenced. Please note, StemSpan™-AOF was originally launched as StemSpan™-ACF Without Phenol Red. This name change signifies that in addition to being animal component-free, no materials of animal or human origin are used in the manufacture of this medium or its components, to at least the secondary level of manufacturing. This medium also replaces StemSpan™-ACF.
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