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Stress-activated serine/threonine-protein kinase involved in cytokines production, endocytosis, reorganisation of the cytoskeleton, cell migration, cell cycle control, chromatin remodeling, DNA damage response and transcriptional regulation. Following stress, it is phosphorylated and activated by MAP kinase p38-alpha/MAPK14, leading to phosphorylation of substrates. Phosphorylates serine in the peptide sequence, Hyd-X-R-X(2)-S, where Hyd is a large hydrophobic residue. Phosphorylates ALOX5, CDC25B, CDC25C, ELAVL1, HNRNPA, HSF1, HSP27/HSPB1, KRT18, KRT2, LIMK1, LSP1, PABPC1, PARN, PDE4A, RCSD1, RPS6KA3, TAB3 and TTP/ZFP36. Mediates phosphorylation of HSP27/HSPB1 in response to stress, leading to dissociate HSP27/HSPB1 from large small heat-shock protein (sHsps) oligomers and impair their chaperone activities and ability to protect against oxidative stress effectively. Involved in inflammatory response by regulating tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and IL6 production post-transcriptionally: acts by phosphorylating AU-rich elements (AREs)-binding proteins ELAVL1, HNRNPA, PABPC1 and TTP/ZFP36, leading to regulate the stability and translation of TNF and IL6 mRNAs. Phosphorylation of TTP/ZFP36, a major post-transcriptional regulator of TNF, promotes its binding to 14-3-3 proteins and reduces its ARE mRNA affinity leading to inhibition of dependent degradation of ARE-containing transcript. Also involved in late G2/M checkpoint following DNA damage through a process of post-transcriptional mRNA stabilisation: following DNA damage, relocalises from nucleus to cytoplasm and phosphorylates HNRNPA and PARN, leading to stabilise GADD45A mRNA. Involved in toll-like receptor signaling pathway (TLR) in dendritic cells: required for acute TLR-induced macropinocytosis by phosphorylating and activating RPS6KA3.
Modifies the functions of natural killer cells, monocytes and granulocytes. Inhibits C5a-dependent neutrophil enzyme release and chemotaxis.
This gene is a member of the Src family of protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs). The encoded protein is a key signaling molecule in the selection and maturation of developing T-cells. It contains N-terminal sites for myristylation and palmitylation, a PTK domain, and SH2 and SH3 domains which are involved in mediating protein-protein interactions with phosphotyrosine-containing and proline-rich motifs, respectively. The protein localizes to the plasma membrane and pericentrosomal vesicles, and binds to cell surface receptors, including CD4 and CD8, and other signaling molecules. Multiple alternatively spliced variants, encoding the same protein, have been described. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].
ILVBL is a 632 amino acid single-pass membrane protein that belongs to the TPP enzyme family. Expressed in the majority of tissues, ILVBL has the highest level of expression in heart, pancreas and placenta. ILVBL is highly homologous to several bacterial enzymes, including the B isozyme of the large catalytic subunit of E. coli acetohydroxy-acid synthase (AHAS) and the oxalyl-coA decarboxylase of O. formigenes, that utilize thiamine pyrophosphate as a cofactor. ILVBL binds one magnesium ion and one thiamine pyrophosphate per subunit, and may catalyze the initial step in branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis. The gene encoding ILVBL maps to human chromosome 19p13.12 and mouse chromosome 10 C1.
Stress-activated serine/threonine-protein kinase involved in cytokines production, endocytosis, reorganization of the cytoskeleton, cell migration, cell cycle control, chromatin remodeling, DNA damage response and transcriptional regulation. Following stress, it is phosphorylated and activated by MAP kinase p38-alpha/MAPK14, leading to phosphorylation of substrates. Phosphorylates serine in the peptide sequence, Hyd-X-R-X(2)-S, where Hyd is a large hydrophobic residue. Phosphorylates ALOX5, CDC25B, CDC25C, ELAVL1, HNRNPA, HSF1, HSP27/HSPB1, KRT18, KRT2, LIMK1, LSP1, PABPC1, PARN, PDE4A, RCSD1, RPS6KA3, TAB3 and TTP/ZFP36. Mediates phosphorylation of HSP27/HSPB1 in response to stress, leading to dissociate HSP27/HSPB1 from large small heat-shock protein (sHsps) oligomers and impair their chaperone activities and ability to protect against oxidative stress effectively. Involved in inflammatory response by regulating tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and IL6 production post-transcriptionally: acts by phosphorylating AU-rich elements (AREs)-binding proteins ELAVL1, HNRNPA, PABPC1 and TTP/ZFP36, leading to regulate the stability and translation of TNF and IL6 mRNAs. Phosphorylation of TTP/ZFP36, a major post-transcriptional regulator of TNF, promotes its binding to 14-3-3 proteins and reduces its ARE mRNA affinity leading to inhibition of dependent degradation of ARE-containing transcript. Also involved in late G2/M checkpoint following DNA damage through a process of post-transcriptional mRNA stabilization: following DNA damage, relocalizes from nucleus to cytoplasm and phosphorylates HNRNPA and PARN, leading to stabilize GADD45A mRNA. Involved in toll-like receptor signaling pathway (TLR) in dendritic cells: required for acute TLR-induced macropinocytosis by phosphorylating and activating RPS6KA3.
This gene encodes a member of the O class of winged helix/forkhead transcription factor family. Proteins encoded by this class are regulated by factors involved in growth and differentiation indicating they play a role in these processes. A translocation involving this gene on chromosome X and the homolog of the Drosophila trithorax gene, encoding a DNA binding protein, located on chromosome 11 is associated with leukemia. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2010]
Dioxygenase that repairs alkylated DNA and RNA by oxidative demethylation. Has highest activity towards single-stranded RNA containing 3-methyluracil, followed by single-stranded DNA containing 3-methylthymine. Has low demethylase activity towards single-stranded DNA containing 1-methyladenine or 3-methylcytosine. Specifically demethylates N(6)-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA, the most prevalent internal modification of messenger RNA (mRNA) in higher eukaryotes. Has no activity towards 1-methylguanine. Has no detectable activity towards double-stranded DNA. Requires molecular oxygen, alpha-ketoglutarate and iron. Contributes to the regulation of the global metabolic rate, energy expenditure and energy homeostasis. Contributes to the regulation of body size and body fat accumulation.
Phakinin is a membrane-associated and cytoskeletal intermediate filament (IF) protein specific to the eye lens. IFs are cytoskeletal structures that typically contain a head, rod and tail domain. Unlike most IFs, Phakinin completely lacks the C-terminal tail domain thus contributing to the unique structure of the beaded filament that is specific to the lens. Phakinin is required for the assembly of beaded filaments and cytoskeletal networks that are important for the long-term maintenance of optical properties and transparency of the lens. Phakinin copolymerizes with Filensin, another IF protein, to form the 10-nm filamentous structures of the beaded filaments. Phakinin is also capable of self-assembling into filament-like structures that form thicker bundles. Mutations in the gene encoding Phakinin can result in lens cataract.
CYTIP is a cytoplasmic protein that is involved in lymphocytic cell adhesion. Expressed primarily in hematopoetic cells, CYTIP regulates the activity of cytohesin-1 (an integrin-activating protein involved in cell adhesion) by mediating its recruitment to the leukocyte membrane. Through its ability to bind cytohesin-1, CYTIP is able to sequester it to the cytoplasm, thereby preventing cytohesin-1 translocation to lymphocytes and interrupting the flow of information in the cell adhesion pathway. CYTIP can be recruited from the cytoplasm to the membrane by leukocyte integrins which interact with CYTIP through its PDZ domain. After membrane translocation, CYTIP can be re-located to the cytoplasm via exposure to a phorbol ester. Additionally, CYTIP associates with SNX27 (sorting nexin 27) and helps to coordinate trafficking and signaling complexes. Up-regulation of CYTIP is observed in maturing dendritic cells, suggesting a possible role in developmentally-controlled cell adhesion.
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