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This gene encodes one member of a family of translation repressor proteins. The protein directly interacts with eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), which is a limiting component of the multisubunit complex that recruits 40S ribosomal subunits to the 5' end of mRNAs. Interaction of this protein with eIF4E inhibits complex assembly and represses translation. This protein is phosphorylated in response to various signals including UV irradiation and insulin signaling, resulting in its dissociation from eIF4E and activation of mRNA translation.
1 * 100 µl
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SLAIN1 is a 561 amino acid member of the SLAIN motif-containing family and is expressed in embryonic stem cells, as well as in lung, brain and testis, where it exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms. The gene encoding SLAIN1 maps to human chromosome 13, which houses over 400 genes, such as BRCA2 and RB1, and comprises nearly 4% of the human genome. As with most chromosomes, polysomy of part or all of chromosome 13 is deleterious to development and decreases the odds of survival. Trisomy 13, also known as Patau syndrome, is deadly and the few who survive past one year suffer from permanent neurologic defects, difficulty eating and vulnerability to serious respiratory infections.
1 * 100 µl
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Most upstream protease of the activation cascade of caspases responsible for the TNFRSF6/FAS mediated and TNFRSF1A induced cell death. Binding to the adapter molecule FADD recruits it to either receptor. The resulting aggregate called death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) performs CASP8 proteolytic activation. The active dimeric enzyme is then liberated from the DISC and free to activate downstream apoptotic proteases. Proteolytic fragments of the N-terminal propeptide (termed CAP3, CAP5 and CAP6) are likely retained in the DISC. Cleaves and activates CASP3, CASP4, CASP6, CASP7, CASP9 and CASP10. May participate in the GZMB apoptotic pathways. Cleaves ADPRT. Hydrolyzes the small-molecule substrate, Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-|-AMC. Likely target for the cowpox virus CRMA death inhibitory protein. Isoform 5, isoform 6, isoform 7 and isoform 8 lack the catalytic site and may interfere with the pro-apoptotic activity of the complex.
1 * 100 µl
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Activates STAT3 and possibly STAT1 and STAT5 through the IL31 heterodimeric receptor composed of IL31RA and OSMR. IL31 may function in skin immunity.
1 * 100 µl
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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a pleiotropic cytokine whose function is mediated through two distinct cell surface receptors (1,2). These receptors, designated TNF-R1 and TNF-R2, are expressed on most cell types (1,3). The majority of TNF functions are primarily mediated through TNF-R1 (1,4). FAN (for factor associated with neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) activation) is an intermediate protein that interacts with TNF-R1 to initiate TNF signaling events. FAN binds to TNF-R1 at the cytoplasmic NSD (N-SMase activating domain), which results in the initiation of the N-SMase pathway (5). N-SMase has been shown to be involved in TNF-induced Raf-1 activation (6). FAN contains four carboxy-terminal WD-repeat domains which appear to be involved in protein-protein interaction. The FAN WD-repeats may mediate the interaction between FAN and TNF-R1 (5).
1 * 100 µl
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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a pleiotropic cytokine whose function is mediated through two distinct cell surface receptors (1,2). These receptors, designated TNF-R1 and TNF-R2, are expressed on most cell types (1,3). The majority of TNF functions are primarily mediated through TNF-R1 (1,4). FAN (for factor associated with neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) activation) is an intermediate protein that interacts with TNF-R1 to initiate TNF signaling events. FAN binds to TNF-R1 at the cytoplasmic NSD (N-SMase activating domain), which results in the initiation of the N-SMase pathway (5). N-SMase has been shown to be involved in TNF-induced Raf-1 activation (6). FAN contains four carboxy-terminal WD-repeat domains which appear to be involved in protein-protein interaction. The FAN WD-repeats may mediate the interaction between FAN and TNF-R1 (5).
1 * 100 µl
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Upon serum stimulation, phosphorylates CDKN1B/p27Kip1, thus controlling CDKN1B subcellular location and cell cycle progression in G1 phase. May be involved in trafficking and/or processing of RNA (By similarity).
1 * 100 µl
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Activates STAT3 and possibly STAT1 and STAT5 through the IL31 heterodimeric receptor composed of IL31RA and OSMR. IL31 may function in skin immunity.
1 * 100 µl
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Plays a role in the export of proteins that lack a signal peptide and are secreted by an alternative pathway. Binds two calcium ions per subunit. Binds one copper ion. Binding of one copper ion does not interfere with calcium binding. Required for the copper-dependent stress-induced export of IL1A and FGF1. The calcium-free protein binds to lipid vesicles containing phosphatidylserine, but not to vesicles containing phosphatidylcholine (By similarity).
1 * 100 µl
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1 * 100 µl
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EphB1, previously known as Elk (eph like kinase), is a receptor tyrosine kinase of the highly tissue restricted family of eph proteins. EphB1 and other ephB family members are type 1 membrane spanning proteins, comprised of immunoglobulin, fibronectin type III, and cysteine rich subdomains in the ecto domain, and the single uninterrupted cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain upstream of a carboxyterminal sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain. EphB family proteins bind ephrins of the B class. EphB1 is expressed predominately in developing neural structures in embryos, and in vascular epithelium of kidney, and other tissues. Upon binding to alternatively oligomerized ephrin B1, EphB1 signals regulation of cell attachment and cell to cell assembly. Members of this protein family are implicated in neuronal and vascular cell targeting.
1 * 100 µl
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No data available.
1 * 100 µl
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Anchoring filament protein which is a component of the basement membrane zone.
1 * 100 µl
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The onset of angiogenesis is believed to be an early event in tumorigenesis and may facilitate tumor progression and metastasis. Several growth factors with angiogenic activity have been described and include fibroblast growth factor (FGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs). The VEGF protein family is comprised of VEGF, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D, all of which may exhibit angiogenic function in vivo. VEGF-B, which exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms known as VEGF-B167 and VEGF-B186, is abundantly expressed in heart and skeletal muscle and is frequently co-expressed with VEGF. VEGF-C binds to and specifically activates Flt-4 and Flk-1.
1 * 100 µl
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The onset of angiogenesis is believed to be an early event in tumorigenesis and may facilitate tumor progression and metastasis. Several growth factors with angiogenic activity have been described and include fibroblast growth factor (FGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs). The VEGF protein family is comprised of VEGF, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D, all of which may exhibit angiogenic function in vivo. VEGF-B, which exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms known as VEGF-B167 and VEGF-B186, is abundantly expressed in heart and skeletal muscle and is frequently co-expressed with VEGF. VEGF-C binds to and specifically activates Flt-4 and Flk-1.
1 * 100 µl
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Anchoring filament protein which is a component of the basement membrane zone.
1 * 100 µl
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