Billes RT-PCR, illustra™ Ready-To-Go™
Réactifs pour acides nucléiques
RT-PCR and cDNA Reagents
Pre-dispensed, freeze-dried beads that include the reagents necessary for one-step reverse transcription-PCR with high sensitivity and reproducibility.
- Preformulated, predispensed, single-dose, ambient-temperature-stable beads ensure greater reproducibility between reactions, minimise pipetting steps, and reduce the potential for pipetting errors and contamination
- Optimised as a one-tube, one-step RT-PCR reaction for both cDNA synthesis and PCR
- Each lot of RT-PCR Beads is function tested for its ability to generate highly specific PCR products to ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility
- For highly reproducible one-step reverse transcription-PCR
Ready-To-Go RT-PCR Beads are stable at room temperature and designed for performing single-tube one-step reverse transcription-PCR. Each room-temperature-stable bead contains M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNase Inhibitor, buffer, nucleotides, and Taq DNA Polymerase. The only additional reagents required are water, template RNA, and primers. The reagents are optimised for full-length cDNA synthesis to >7,5 kb and optimal sensitivity from PCR.
The Ready-To-Go Bead format significantly reduces the number of pipetting steps, thereby increasing reproducibility of the RT-PCR technique and minimizing risk of contamination and RNA degradation. Ready-To-Go RT-PCR Beads are provided in either thin walled 0,5 or 0,2 ml tubes compatible with most thermocyclers. The 0,2 ml tubes come assembled in a 96-well (8×12) plate format that allows individual strips of eight tubes to be easily removed. This flexibility allows use of either the entire 96-well plate, strips of eight or individual 0,2 ml tubes. Each package of Ready-To-Go RT-PCR Beads contains: RT-PCR beads, control reactions and pd(N)6 and oligo(dT) cDNA primers.
Information de livraison: chaque paquet de billes RT-PCR Ready-To-Go™ contient : des billes RT-PCR, des réactions de contrôle et des amorces d'ADN complémentaire pd(N)₆ et oligo(dT).