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Un laboratoire de contrôle performant garantit l'intégrité du processus de production d'une société, de la validation des matières premières à la vérification du produit fini...
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Teneurin-3, also known as Ten-3, TNM3 or ODZ3, is a 2,699 amino acid single-pass type II membrane protein that contains 25 YD repeats, 8 EGF-like domains, 5 NHL repeats and one teneurin N-terminal domain. Localised to the membrane and expressed in brain, testis and ovary, Teneurin-3 exists as a disulfide-liked homodimer that is thought to function as a cellular signal transducer. Additionally, Teneurin-3 may participate in eye-specific patterning in the visual pathway and is required for aligned binocular vision. The gene encoding Teneurin-3 maps to chromosome 4. Representing approximately 6% of the human genome, chromosome 4 contains nearly 900 genes, one of which is the Huntingtin gene, which is found to encode an expanded glutamine tract in cases of Huntington's disease. FGFR-3 is also encoded on chromosome 4 and has been associated with thanatophoric dwarfism, achondroplasia, Muenke syndrome and bladder cancer. Chromosome 4 is also tied to Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, methylmalonic acidemia and polycystic kidney disease.
This proteoglycan is a major component of extracellular matrix of cartilagenous tissues. A major function of this protein is to resist compression in cartilage. It binds avidly to hyaluronic acid via an N-terminal globular region.
This proteoglycan is a major component of extracellular matrix of cartilagenous tissues. A major function of this protein is to resist compression in cartilage. It binds avidly to hyaluronic acid via an N-terminal globular region.
Bad is a member of the Bcl2 family and acts to promote apoptosis by forming heterodimers with the survival proteins Bcl2 and BclxL, thus preventing them from binding with BAX. Bad is found on the outer mitochondrial membrane and, once phosphorylated in response to growth stimuli, translocates to the cytoplasm. The phosphorylation status of Bad represents a key checkpoint for death or cell survival. JNK-induced phosphorylation of BAD serine 128 promotes the apoptotic role of Bad by opposing the inhibitory effect of growth factor on Bad-mediated apoptosis. Cdc2-induced phosphorylation of Bad serine 128 has an inhibitory effect on its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins. The latter interaction is critical for Bad phosphorylation at serine 155, a site within the BH3 domain that leads to the release of BclxL and the promotion of cell survival. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants which encode the same isoform.
Hornerin has similar structural features to those of profilaggrin, an essential protein for keratinization of epidermal tissues. Hornerin may play a role in cornification.
Hornerin has similar structural features to those of profilaggrin, an essential protein for keratinization of epidermal tissues. Hornerin may play a role in cornification.
Hornerin has similar structural features to those of profilaggrin, an essential protein for keratinization of epidermal tissues. Hornerin may play a role in cornification.
This gene is a member of the Ets family of transcription factors and of the ternary complex factor (TCF) subfamily. Proteins of the TCF subfamily form a ternary complex by binding to the the serum response factor and the serum response element in the promoter of the c-fos proto-oncogene. The protein encoded by this gene is a nuclear target for the ras-raf-MAPK signaling cascade. This gene produces multiple isoforms by using alternative translational start codons and by alternative splicing. Related pseudogenes have been identified on chromosomes 7 and 14. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2012].
This proteoglycan is a major component of extracellular matrix of cartilagenous tissues. A major function of this protein is to resist compression in cartilage. It binds avidly to hyaluronic acid via an N-terminal globular region.
KAT3B/p300 is a transcriptional adapter protein (300 kDa)which is characterized by three cysteine and histidine rich regions and its C-terminus specifically binds the adenovirus E1A protein. KAT3B and associated proteins are components of TATA-binding protein (TBP)complexes. Protein kinase A mediated CREB phosphorylation results in the binding of CREB to a 265 kDa nuclear protein designated KAT3A/CBP(for CREB-binding protein). KAT3B and KAT3A are homologous to each other.
Members of the BAGE gene family encode antigens that are recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and are also known as CT (cancer/testis) antigens. Generated by juxtacentromeric shuffling of the MLL3 gene, the ancestral BAGE gene was expanded by acrocentric exchanges and/or juxtacentromeric movements.Generally, BAGE proteins are silent in all normal tissues with the exception of testis. BAGE2 and BAGE 3 (B melanoma antigen 2 and 3, respectively), also known as Cancer/testis antigen 2.2 and 2.3 (respectively), are 109 amino acid secreted proteins that are expressed in 22% of melanomas, lung and bladder carcinomas, and are also expressed in normal testis tissue. Like the genes encoding MAGE proteins, BAGE genes are most likely silenced by DNA methylation and/or chromatin compaction in normal tissues other than testis.
Members of the BAGE gene family encode antigens that are recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and are also known as CT (cancer/testis) antigens. Generated by juxtacentromeric shuffling of the MLL3 gene, the ancestral BAGE gene was expanded by acrocentric exchanges and/or juxtacentromeric movements.Generally, BAGE proteins are silent in all normal tissues with the exception of testis. BAGE2 and BAGE 3 (B melanoma antigen 2 and 3, respectively), also known as Cancer/testis antigen 2.2 and 2.3 (respectively), are 109 amino acid secreted proteins that are expressed in 22% of melanomas, lung and bladder carcinomas, and are also expressed in normal testis tissue. Like the genes encoding MAGE proteins, BAGE genes are most likely silenced by DNA methylation and/or chromatin compaction in normal tissues other than testis.
TRIM35 is a member of the tripartite motif (TRIM) family. The TRIM motif includes three zinc-binding domains, a RING, a B-box type 1, a B-box type 2 and a coiled-coil region. TRIM35 may play a role as a tumor suppressor and is implicated in the cell death mechanism. There are two named isoforms.
LRFN1 is a 771 amino acid single-pass type I membrane protein that belongs to the LRFN family. Containing a fibronectin type-III domain, an Ig-like (immunoglobulin-like) domain, a LRRCT domain, a LRRNT domain and seven LRR (leucine-rich) repeats, LRFN1 is thought to promote neurite outgrowth in hippocampal neurons and is involved in the regulation and maintenance of excitatory synapses. LRFN1 forms heteromeric complexes with LRFN2, LRFN3, LFRN4 and LFRN5, but does not have the ability to form homomeric complexes across cell junctions of adjacent cells like other LRFN family members. The PDZ-binding motif of LRFN1 is required for neurite outgrowth promotion and for SAP 97-, NE-dlg- and PSD-95-binding. LRFN1 is encoded by a gene located on human chromosome 19q13.2 and mouse chromosome 7 A3.
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