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Vacuum basics & rotary evaporation: Optimal process flow with vacuum


Monday, 11th April 2022
11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


Why vacuum? As a widespread key technology it literally produces “nothing” and yet supports many processes. In this webinar, you will learn about the basics of vacuum in the laboratory. These basics are the key to selecting the right vacuum pump for your application. For one of the most commonly used processes in the laboratory, rotary evaporation, you will also learn which points should be considered in order to achieve an efficient evaporation process for maximum solvent recovery. We will answer questions such as ""What role does temperature and vacuum play in optimal process flow?"" and ""How is the process flow optimized by different control options?"".

For more information, please contact us at

Presented by:

Christian Ehret

Christian Ehret is Area Sales Manager responsible for South Africa, Middle-East, Oceania and SEA region. He has 15 years of experience in the fields of chemistry and analytics at various established chemical companies before joining VACUUBRAND. Christian is an expert in vacuum technology and solutions built on his combined experience of a technical background, application knowledge as a chemist and customers’ feedback.

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