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Revolutionary new green Constant climate chambers with significantly improved energy efficiency


Wednesday, 6th April, 2022
11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


Peltier-based climate chambers are an alternative to compressor-based chambers. Which drawbacks do they have? Have you heard about the revolutionary technical developments that have taken place in the last months? You will be amazed to see how low your energy costs and noise levels in your labs will become.

Join us when we present the newest technologies, discuss strengths/weaknesses and provide proof of performance for Peltier/compressor-based technologies. We will show how cooling/heating works and importance of the type of air flow.

Learn more about key applications and how constant climate chambers can be adapted to solve your day-to-day problems.

Please join us when we discover innovative solutions and established technologies in constant climate chambers.

For more information, please contact us at

Presented by:

Lothar Maresch

Lothar Maresch is responsible for the worldwide activities of BINDER Academy. He studied Biology at the University of Heidelberg and has 30+ years experience in the fields of environmental simulation and laboratory equipment. Lothar is looking forward to your visit.

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