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Protéines et Peptides

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Protéines et Peptides

Proteins are used in routine laboratory procedures such as binding enzymes or coupling peptides to carrier proteins. These kits, mixture solutions, and collagen matrices fulfill a myriad of essential laboratory functions for developing relationships between proteins and other cellular components. The stimulating proteins offered have various amino acid arrangements and functions to fulfill any sample manipulation for testing purposes in any field.

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Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI5747P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   PIAS4 peptide is used for blocking the activity of PIAS4 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI90-047)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Interleukin-33 (IL-33; HF-NEV; IL-1F11), a member of the IL-1 family of cytokines, is expressed by many cell types following pro-inflammatory stimulation and is thought to be released on cell lysis. The 30kDa human IL33 is converted by CASP1 to a 18kDa protein. IL33 binds to and signals through ST2 (IL1R1) and its stimulation recruits MYD88, IRAK, IRAK4, and TRAF6, followed by phosphorylation of ERK1 (MAPK3)/ERK2 (MAPK1), p38 (MAPK14), and JNK. The ability of IL-33 to target numerous immune cell types, like Th2-like cells, mast cells, and B1 cells, and to induce cytokine and chemokine production underlines its potential in influencing the outcome of a wide range of diseases, such as arthritis, asthma, atopic allergy & anaphylaxis, cardiovascular disease/atherosclerosis, nervous system diseases, and sepsis.
UOM:  1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI90-042)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4; RBP) is a 21kDa secreted protein, a member of the lipocalin family and is known as the primary transporter of retinol (vitamin A) to tissues. A recent report revealed RBP4 as an adipokine linking glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) suppression in adipose tissue to insulin. Elevated human and mouse serum RBP4 levels are associated with insulin resistance and its severity, obesity, and certain components of metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, human serum RBP4 levels are closely related to renal function.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI90-041)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4; RBP) is a 21kDa secreted protein, a member of the lipocalin family and is known as the primary transporter of retinol (vitamin A) to tissues. A recent report revealed RBP4 as an adipokine linking glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) suppression in adipose tissue to insulin. Elevated human and mouse serum RBP4 levels are associated with insulin resistance and its severity, obesity, and certain components of metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, human serum RBP4 levels are closely related to renal function.
UOM:  1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI90-031)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4; RBP) is a 21kDa secreted protein, a member of the lipocalin family and is known as the primary transporter of retinol (vitamin A) to tissues. A recent report revealed RBP4 as an adipokine linking glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) suppression in adipose tissue to insulin. Elevated human and mouse serum RBP4 levels are associated with insulin resistance and its severity, obesity, and certain components of metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, human serum RBP4 levels are closely related to renal function.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI90-050)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt; pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor; PBEF; Visfatin) is an adipokine that is localised to the bloodstream and has various functions, including the promotion of vascular smooth muscle cell maturation and inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis. It activates insulin receptor and has insulin-mimetic effects, lowering blood glucose and improving insulin sensitivity. The protein is highly expressed in visceral fat and serum levels of the protein correlate with obesity.
UOM:  1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI3981P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   PEN2 peptide is used for blocking activity of PEN2 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI4285P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   TDP43 peptide is used for blocking the activity of TDP43 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI4305P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   STEAP1 peptide is used for blocking the activity of STEAP2 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI4287P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   LIS1 peptide is used for blocking the activity of LIS1 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI4325P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   RAP80 peptide is used for blocking the activity of RAP80 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI5835P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   TCTN2 peptide is used for blocking the activity of TCTN2 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI5847P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   15 amino acids near the center of human SCUBE3.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI4373P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   TOCA-1 peptide is used for blocking the activity of TOCA-1 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI4343P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   CDNF peptide is used for blocking the activity of CDNF antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI4351P)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   LGP2 peptide is used for blocking the activity of LGP2 antibody.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
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