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Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy

Featured Solutions

Modern research requires high throughput, high quality imaging. At its most basic, this might require cell counting, viability assays or marker expression analysis, performed alongside standard fluorescence, luminescence or absorbance assays. At a higher level, detailed, 3D images of cells in complex environments may be needed.

Cell image and analysis

ImageXpress Pico

    Leica Advanced Microscopes for high end applications!

    Sample Preparation Through Publication Quality Imaging

    Research workflows from Leica Microsystems help you save time and drive new discoveries. From automated sample preparation systems through to advanced imaging solutions, Leica products help you reduce costs and save time in drug discovery, tissue culture, live cell and translational research. Make your next breakthrough with innovative products from Leica Microsystems.

    Thunder for high resolution 3D imaging - CellDive for Multiplexed Imaging Solution - LIBS Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy - LMS Laser Microdissection Systems

      The Revolve easily transforms between upright and inverted configurations, and is more versatile than other systems in the market.

      This hybrid microscope significantly reduces costs while freeing up valuable laboratory space.

      • A truly amazing view
      • Uncompromised performance
      • An extraordinary user experience
      • Bright field - Phase contrast - Fluorescence

        VWR has an impressive competence in microscopy, offering a full range of products from the most basic of microscopes to sophisticated models, cold light sources, image recording systems, not forgetting the essential consumables such as cover slips and associated handling products.

        Our All You Need for Microscopy guide is a handy reference tool containing the entire VWR® range.

        The microscopy range is fully supported by big brand names and our own VWR Collection.

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