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The ultimate guide to working with volumetric instruments


Thrusday, 23rd September, 2021
11:30 to 12:30 CEST(Berlin, Paris, Madrid)

Replay Register

Volumetric instruments made of glass are still the most accurate instruments for volumetric measurement. Established standards and guides from different societies/committees/Pharmacopeia give a lot of regulatory safety advice. This webinar provides an overview about simple rules of thumb and prominent features of the instruments for every day work in a laboratory. We take a look at the differences between Class A and Class B, explain the certificates of performance needed for audits, show practical tips from our SOPs and show application-specific versions of glass instruments.

For more information, please contact us at

Presented by:

Christian Schurz

Christian Schurz has a PhD in chemistry from University of Stuttgart. He investigated lanthanide nitride halogenides and chalcogenides after his diploma thesis of titanium oxide nitrides. His main focus was on solid state chemistry and crystal structures. Christian Schurz started working for BRAND in 2013 as a Product Manager for volumetric instruments made of glass and plastic. In addition he now works actively in national and international standardisation committees.

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