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Fournisseur:  Rockland Immunochemicals
Description:   Anti-GST Goat Polyclonal Antibody (AP (Alkaline Phosphatase))
UOM:  1 * 1 mg

Fournisseur:  Rockland Immunochemicals
Description:   Anti-IgG Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (FITC (Fluorescein Isothiocyanate))
UOM:  1 * 20 mg
Numéro de catalogue: (ROCK618-106-130)

Fournisseur:  Rockland Immunochemicals
Description:   Secondary Goat Anti-IgG IgA IgM Reacts with Ferret
UOM:  1 * 1 mg
Numéro de catalogue: (ROCK700-109-096)

Fournisseur:  Rockland Immunochemicals
Description:   Suitable for immunomicroscopy and flow cytometry or FACS analysis as well as other antibody based fluorescent assays requiring lot-to-lot consistency.
UOM:  1 * 1 mg
Numéro de catalogue: (ROCK610-4341)

Fournisseur:  Rockland Immunochemicals
Description:   Anti-Mouse IgG2a heavy chain antibody is suitable for highly specific immunological methods requiring extremely low background levels, lot-to-lot consistency, high titer and specificity.
UOM:  1 * 1 mg
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-13586R-A555)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   May be involved in transcriptional regulation.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-13584R-A555)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   ZBTB8A
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-13705R-CY5)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   MP1 (MEK partner 1) functions as a scaffolding protein in the mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling pathway. Growth factor induced MAP kinase activation is selectively mediated by the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade. MAPBPIP (mitogen-activated protein-binding protein-interacting protein), also known as p14 and late endosomal/lysosomal MP1-interacting protein, functions as an adaptor protein augmenting the regulation of the MAP kinase cascade. Partner proteins MAPBPIP and MP1 are structurally almost identical each with a five-stranded -sheet flanked between a two-helix and one-helix layer. MAPBPIP compels the recruitment of MP1 to late endosomes where they form a very stable heterodimeric complex required for ERK activation on endosomes. Knockdown of the individual proteins in the MP1/MAPBPIP complex resulted in decreased expression of the partner proteins which implies greater stability of the heterodimeric complex than either MP1 or MAPBPIP individually. Early research suggests the MP1-MAPBPIP-MEK-1 signaling complex may be critical in the regulation of tissue homeostasis.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-13644R-CY3)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   The transcription factor NFkB is retained in the cytoplasm in an inactive form by the inhibitory protein IkB. Activation of NFkB requires that IkB be phosphorylated on specific serine residues, which results in the targeted degradation of IkB (1). IkB kinase alpha (IKK alpha), previously designated CHUK (2), interacts with IkB-alpha and specifically phosphorylates IkB-alpha on the sites that trigger its degradation, serines 32 and 36 (3). IKKalpha appears to be critical for NFkB activation in response to proinflammatory cytokines (4). Phosphorylation of the IkB by IKK alpha is stimulated by the NFkB inducing kinase (NIK), which itself is a central regulator for NFkB activation in response to TNF and IL-1 (5). The functional IKK complex contains three subunits, IKK alpha, IKK beta and IKK gamma (also designated NEMO), and each appears to make essential contributions to IkB phosphorylation (6). IKAP (IKK-complex-associated protein) is a protein that acts as a scaffold, interacting with NIK, IKK alpha and IKK beta and assembling them into an active kinase complex (7,8)
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-10129R-A750)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   May be the important intermediate by which p53/TP53 mediates its role as an inhibitor of cellular proliferation in response to DNA damage. Binds to and inhibits cyclin-dependent kinase activity, preventing phosphorylation of critical cyclin-dependent kinase substrates and blocking cell cycle progression. Functions in the nuclear localisation and assembly of cyclin D-CDK4 complex and promotes its kinase activity towards RB1. At higher stoichiometric ratios, inhibits the kinase activity of the cyclin D-CDK4 complex.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-6257R-CY5.5)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Negative regulator of MAP3K1/2 signaling. Converts MAP3K2 from its phosphorylated form to its non-phosphorylated form and inhibits autophosphorylation of MAP3K2.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-13654R-A647)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Several mammalian kinases have been identified with sequence similarity to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae serine/threonine kinase STE20. STE20 is involved in relaying signals from G-protein coupled receptors to cytosolic MAP kinase cascades, and it lies upstream of a MAP kinase kinase kinase. Mammalian STE20-like kinases include KHS, GLK, NIK, YSK1, HPK1, Krs-1, Krs-2 and GC kinase. KHS (for kinase homologous to SPS1/STE20) is a protein that is most closely related to GC kinase. The KHS kinase has been shown to activate a variety of substrates, including JNK, suggesting a role in stress response.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-13650R-CY7)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Pinch is a focal adhesion protein that is a component of the ILK-PINCH complex. This complex is a major part of the growth factor and integrin signaling pathway. Pinch is involved in cell differentiation, proliferation and survival by acting as an effector of integrin and growth factor signaling. It is a cytoplasmic protein expressed in most tissues and consists of five LIM domains, a nuclear localization signal and a nuclear export signal. The PINCH-1/ILK complex is regulated by another member of the Pinch family, PINCH-2, which also forms a complex with ILK.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-6258R-A488)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   A reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 22 and 9 produces the Philadelphia chromosome, which is often found in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. The chromosome 22 breakpoint for this translocation is located within the BCR gene. The translocation produces a fusion protein which is encoded by sequence from both BCR and ABL, the gene at the chromosome 9 breakpoint. Although the BCR-ABL fusion protein has been extensively studied, the function of the normal BCR gene product is not clear. The protein has serine/threonine kinase activity and is a GTPase-activating protein for p21rac. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-6462R-CY5)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   May participate in the regulation of synaptic vesicle docking and fusion, possibly through interaction with GTP-binding proteins. Essential for neurotransmission and binds syntaxin, a component of the synaptic vesicle fusion machinery probably in a 1:1 ratio. Can interact with syntaxins 1, 2, and 3 but not syntaxin 4. May play a role in determining the specificity of intracellular fusion reactions.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-3089R-A647)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   The proto oncogene c CBL was initially identified as the cellular homologue of v CBL oncogene that induces pre B cell lymphomas and myeloid leukemias in mice. In more recent studies CBL has been shown to be a negative regulator of tyrosine kinase signaling. The ubiquitin ligase activity of CBL leads to the degradation of tyrosine kinases, thus attenuating the signal of receptors. Targets of CBL include activated protein tyrosine kinases belonging to the Src and Syk/Zap 70 families. An additional mechanism to attenuate receptor signaling is thought to be achieved by CBL’s interaction with downstream targets of tyrosine kinases, such as PI 3K and Vav.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
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