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Protéines et Peptides

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Protéines et Peptides

Proteins are used in routine laboratory procedures such as binding enzymes or coupling peptides to carrier proteins. These kits, mixture solutions, and collagen matrices fulfill a myriad of essential laboratory functions for developing relationships between proteins and other cellular components. The stimulating proteins offered have various amino acid arrangements and functions to fulfill any sample manipulation for testing purposes in any field.

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Fournisseur:  Shenandoah Biotechnology
Description:   Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a cytokine that functions as a potent inducer of neutrophilic granulocyte proliferation, terminal differentiation, and activation. G-CSF synthesis occurs in monocyte, macrophage, epithelial, endothelial, and fibroblast cells after activation by bacterial endotoxins, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 1 (IL-1), or interleukin 17 (IL-17). The functional activity of G-CSF is mediated through the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor (G-CSF-R) to activate JAK/STAT and MAPK signal transduction pathways. G-CSF also promotes neurogenesis and inhibits neuronal apoptosis. Human and mouse G-CSF proteins are cross-reactive. 
Fournisseur:  Shenandoah Biotechnology
Description:   Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-basic), also known as FGF-2, is expressed by endothelial cells and is a mediator of angiogenesis. FGF-basic also has cardioprotective functions during heart injury. The application of FGF-basic is a critical component for human embryonic stem cell culture systems and is necessary for maintaining human embryonic stem cells in an undifferentiated state.
Fournisseur:  Shenandoah Biotechnology
Description:   Indian hedgehog (IHH) is an essential signaling factor that is secreted in the gut, cartilage, and bone during embryonic development. IHH acts through the patched (PTC) receptor to induce transcriptional changes important for bone and cartilage development. IHH also induces the expression of parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), which in turn mediates IHH activity during chondrocyte differentiation, forming a negative feedback loop.
Fournisseur:  Shenandoah Biotechnology
Description:   Prolactin is a hormone that is produced and secreted by the pituitary gland. Prolactin acts in an endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine manner. The prolactin receptor (PRLR) is expressed on many cell types, including cells of the reproductive organs, central nervous system, and breast cancer. Prolactin signal transduction occurs via JAK kinase signaling pathways. The primary function of prolactin is to regulate lactation, but prolactin also plays functional roles in the immune system and during cell growth, apoptosis, and differentiation.
Fournisseur:  Shenandoah Biotechnology
Description:   Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is hematopoietic growth factor produced by endothelial cells, monocytes, fibroblasts, and T cells. GM-CSF stimulates the production of neutrophilic granulocytes, macrophages, and mixed granulocyte-macrophage colonies from bone marrow cells. GM-CSF promotes immune system development and regulates neutrophil function during infection. Human and mouse GM-CSF show no cross-reactivity.
Fournisseur:  Shenandoah Biotechnology
Description:   Follistatin is an autocrine, activin-binding protein that is ubiquitously expressed with highest expression levels being in the ovary and skin.  Follistatin negatively regulates the signaling of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) family members, such as activin, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), myostatin, growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF-11), and TGF-β1.
Fournisseur:  Shenandoah Biotechnology
Description:   Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) is an important fetal growth hormone made by theca cells during gestation. IGF-II engages the IGF-I receptor (IGF1R) to mediate embryonic growth. IGF-II also binds the sink IGF-II receptor (IGF2R) leading to IGF-II degradation.

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Decorin is also known as bone proteoglycan II, PGS2, SLRR1B, DCN, DSPG2 and PG40, is a secreted chondroitin /dermatan sulfate proteoglycan in the family of small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs). Decorin is a small cellular or pericellular matrix proteoglycan and is closely related in structure to biglycan protein. Decorin and biglycan are thought to be the result of a gene duplication. This protein is a component of connective tissue, binds to type I collagen fibrils, and plays a role in matrix assembly. Decorin appears to influence fibrillogenesis, and also interacts with fibronectin, thrombospondin, the complement component C1q, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). Defects in DCN are the cause of congenital stromal corneal dystrophy (CSCD).
UOM:  1 * 200 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI96-263)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR; ErbB-1; HER1) is the cell-surface receptor for members of the epidermal growth factor family (EGF-family) of extracellular protein ligands. The epidermal growth factor receptor is a member of the ErbB family of receptors, a subfamily of four closely related receptor tyrosine kinases: EGFR (ErbB-1), HER2/c-neu (ErbB-2), Her 3 (ErbB-3) and Her 4 (ErbB-4). Mutations affecting EGFR expression or activity could result in cancer.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI96-245)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPIV) is also known as adenosine deaminase complexing protein 2, DPPIV or CD26 is antigenic enzyme expressed on the surface of most cell types and is associated with immune regulation, signal transduction and apoptosis. It is an intrinsic membrane glycoprotein and a serine exopeptidase that cleaves X-proline dipeptides from the N-terminus of polypeptides. The substrates of DPPIV are proline (or alanine)-containing peptides and include growth factors, chemokines, neuropeptides, and vasoactive peptides. DPPIV plays a major role in glucose metabolism. It is responsible for the degradation of incretins such as GLP-1. DPPIV plays an important role in tumor biology, and is useful as a marker for various cancers, with its levels either on the cell surface or in the serum increased in some neoplasms and decreased in others. DPPIV also binds the enzyme adenosine deaminase specifically and with high affinity. The significance of this interaction has yet to be established.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   The IL-17 family include IL-17A, IL-17B, IL-17C, IL-17D, IL-17E (also called IL-25), and IL-17F. The family is comprised of at least six proinflammatory cytokines that share a conserved cysteine-knot structure but diverge at the N-terminus. All members of the IL-17 family have a similar protein structure, with four highly conserved cysteine residues critical to their 3-dimensional shape, yet they have no sequence similarity to any other known cytokines. IL-17 family members are glycoproteins secreted as dimers that induce local cytokine production and recruit granulocytes to sites of inflammation. IL-17 is induced by IL-15 and IL-23, mainly in activated CD4+ T cells distinct from Th1 or Th2 cells. IL-17F is the most homologous to IL-17, but is induced only by IL-23 in activated monocytes.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI96-251)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Ephrin-A4 (EFNA4) is also known as EPH-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 4 (LERK4), EPLG4, which belongs to the ephrin family. EFNA4 contains one ephrin RBD (ephrin receptor-binding) domain. EFNA4 is cell surface GPI-bound ligand for Eph receptors, a family of receptor tyrosine kinases which are crucial for migration, repulsion and adhesion during neuronal, vascular and epithelial development. EFNA4 binds promiscuously Eph receptors residing on adjacent cells, leading to contact-dependent bidirectional signaling into neighboring cells. EFNA4 may play a role in the interaction between activated B-lymphocytes and dendritic cells in tonsils.
UOM:  1 * 250 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI92-364)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   IL-5 is expressed in eosinophils, NK cells, TC2 CD8+ T cells, mast cells, CD45+ CD4+ T cells, gamma delta T cells and IL-1 beta activated endothelial cells. IL-5 acts as a growth and differentiation factor for both B cells and eosinophils. Relative to B cells, IL-5 appears to induce the differentiation of activated conventional B-2 cells into Ig-secreting cells. In addition, it induces the growth of B-1 progenitors as well as IgM production by B-1 cells.IL-5 appears to perform a number of functions on eosinophils. These include the down modulation of Mac-1,the upregulation of receptors for IgA and IgG,the stimulation of lipid mediator (leukotriene C4 and PAF) secretion and the induction of granule release.IL-5 also promotes the growth and differentiation of eosinophils.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI92-343)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Fractalkine(CX3CL1) is a single-pass type I membrane protein and belongs to the intercrine delta family. It consists of an extracellular NH2-terminal domain, a mucin-like stalk, a transmembrane alpha helix, and a short cytoplasmic tail. CX3CL1 exists in two forms: as a membrane-anchored or as a shed 80-95K glycoprotein. Soluble CX3CL1 is generated by limited proteolysis on the cell surface, and a disintegrin and metallopeptidase 10 (ADAM10) and ADAM17/tumour necrosis factor- alpha-converting enzyme (ADAM17/TACE) participate in this shedding. It has been suggested that ADAM10 acts in the constitutive shedding, and ADAM17 acts in response to cell activation. The protein may play a role in regulating leukocyte adhesion and migration processes at the endothelium.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI92-339)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Neural proliferation differentiation and control protein 1(NPDC1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NPDC1 gene. It is a single-pass membrane protein and belongs to the NPDC1/cab-1 family. The protein strongly expressed in adult brain and especially in hippocampus, frontal lobe and temporal lobe. The protein suppresses oncogenic transformation in neural and non-neural cells and down-regulates neural cell proliferation and it might be involved in transcriptional regulation.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI92-402)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Cryptic (CFC1) is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)- Cripto, Frl-1, and Cryptic (CFC) family. It contains an EGF-like domain, and is glycosylated on its N-terminal during post-translational modification. Cryptic is identified as a NODAL coreceptor involved in the correct establishment of the left-right axis. It may play a role in mesoderm and/or neural patterning during gastrulation. The unnormal expression of this gene may causes a series of diseases such as HTX2, Transposition of the great arteries dextro-looped 2, and Conotruncal heart malformations.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
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