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Promotes orthogonal branching of actin filaments and links actin filaments to membrane glycoproteins. Anchors various transmembrane proteins to the actin cytoskeleton and serves as a scaffold for a wide range of cytoplasmic signaling proteins. Interaction with FLNA may allow neuroblast migration from the ventricular zone into the cortical plate. Tethers cell surface-localized furin, modulates its rate of internalization and directs its intracellular trafficking.
Can degrade fibronectin, laminin, gelatins of type I, III, IV, and V; collagens III, IV, X, and IX, and cartilage proteoglycans. Activates procollagenase.
Stress-activated kinase involved in tolerance to glucose starvation. Induces cell-cell detachment by increasing F-actin conversion to G-actin. Expression is induced by CD95 or TNF-alpha, via NF-kappa-B. Protects cells from CD95-mediated apoptosis and is required for the increased motility and invasiveness of CD95-activated tumor cells. Able to phosphorylate 'Ser-464' of LATS1.
Transferrins are iron binding transport proteins which can bind two Fe(3+) ions in association with the binding of an anion, usually bicarbonate.Lactotransferrin has antimicrobial activity which depends on the extracellular cation concentration.Lactoferroxins A, B and C have opioid antagonist activity. Lactoferroxin A shows preference for mu-receptors, while lactoferroxin B and C have somewhat higher degrees of preference for kappa-receptors than for mu-receptors.The lactotransferrin transferrin-like domain 1 functions as a serine protease of the peptidase S60 family that cuts arginine rich regions. This function contributes to the antimicrobial activity.
Isoform 1: Functions as a co-chaperone for CCT in the assembly of heterotrimeric G protein complexes, facilitates the assembly of both Gbeta-Ggamma and RGS-Gbeta5 heterodimers. Isoform 2: Acts as a negative regulator of heterotrimeric G proteins assembly by trapping the preloaded G beta subunits inside the CCT chaperonin.
In association with DPP4 is involved in the pericellular proteolysis of the extracellular matrix (ECM), the migration and invasion of endothelial cells into the ECM. May have a role in tissue remodeling during development and wound healing, and may contribute to invasiveness in malignant cancers.
The exosome is a multi-subunit complex composed of several highly conserved proteins, some of which are 3’ to 5’ exoribonucleases. The complex is involved in a variety of cellular processes and is responsible for degrading unstable mRNAs that contain AU-rich (ARE) elements in their untranslated 3’ region. EXOSC10, also known as PMSCL, PMSCL2, p2, p3, p4, RRP6, Rrp6p, PM-Scl, or PM/Scl-100, is an 885 amino acid protein that contains one HRDC domain and one 3’-5’ enonuclease domain. Localized to both the cytoplasm and the nucleus, EXOSC10 is part of the post-splicing exosome complex and is involved in mRNA surveillance, mRNA nuclear export and nonsense-mediated decay of mRNAs containing premature stop codons. against EXOSC10 have been found in patients with scleroderma and/or polymyositis (chronic diseases of the skin and muscle, respectively), suggesting that EXOSC10 may be involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Two isoforms of EXOSC10 exist due to alternative splicing events.
TAP is an integral transmembrane protein involved in the transport of antigens from the cytoplasm to the endoplasmic reticulum for association with MHC class I molecules. It is a heterodimer of TAP1 and TAP2, and the peptide-binding site is shared between the cytoplasmic loops of TAP1 and TAP2. TAP is inducible by interferon gamma and belongs to the ABC transporter family, MDR subfamily. TAP also acts as a molecular scaffold for the final stage of MHC class I folding, namely the binding of peptide. Nascent MHC class I molecules associate with TAP via tapasin. TAP is inhibited by the covalent attachment of herpes simplex virus ICP47 protein, which blocks the peptide-binding site of TAP. It is inhibited by human cytomegalovirus US6 glycoprotein, which binds to the lumenal side of the TAP complex and inhibits peptide translocation by specifically blocking ATP-binding to TAP and prevents the conformational rearrangement of TAP induced by peptide binding.
Granulins have possible cytokine-like activity. They may play a role in inflammation, wound repair, and tissue remodeling. Granulin-4 promotes proliferation of the epithelial cell line A431 in culture while granulin-3 acts as an antagonist to granulin-4, inhibiting the growth.
ZADH2 belongs to the zinc containing alcohol dehydrogenase family.
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