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Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9659R-A488)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   With approximately 135 million base pairs and 1,400 genes, chromosome 11 makes up around 4% of human genomic DNA and is considered a gene and disease association dense chromosome. The chromosome 11 encoded Atm gene is important for regulation of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis following double strand DNA breaks. Atm mutation leads to the disorder known as ataxia-telangiectasia. The blood disorders Sickle cell anemia and β thalassemia are caused by HBB gene mutations. Wilms' tumors, WAGR syndrome and Denys-Drash syndrome are associated with mutations of the WT1 gene. Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome, Jacobsen syndrome, Niemann-Pick disease, hereditary angioedema and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome are also associated with defects in chromosome 11. The FAM76B gene product has been provisionally designated FAM76B pending further characterization.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9006R-A680)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Adenosine deaminase is an enzyme that is present in most tissues and exists predominantly as a monomer, although in some tissues it is associated with adenosine deaminase-binding protein. Adenosine deaminase degrades extracellular adenosine, which is toxic for lymphocytes. A novel family of growth factors that share sequence similarity to adenosine deaminase has been identified. The cat eye syndrome critical region protein (CECR) family includes CECR1, CECR2, CECR3, CECR4, CECR5, CECR6, CECR7, CECR8 and CECR9. The genes encoding CECR proteins are candidates for Cat Eye Syndrome (CES), a developmental disorder associated with the duplication of a 2 Mb region of 22q11.2. CES is characterised by the combination of coloboma of the iris and anal atresia with fistula, downslanting palpebral fissures, preauricular tags and/or pits, frequent occurrence of heart and renal malformations, and normal or near-normal mental development. CECR family members are widely expressed. Specifically, CECR1 has the highest expression in adult heart, lung, lymphoblasts and placenta. CECR2 is also involved in neurulation and chromatin remodeling. Mutations in the CECR2 gene result in neural tube defects.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9007R-CY7)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   The BTB domain, also known as the POZ (poxvirus and zinc finger) domain, is an N-terminal homodimerization domain that contains multiple copies of kelch repeats and/or C2H2-type zinc fingers. Proteins that contain BTB domains are thought to be involved in transcriptional regulation via control of chromatin structure and function. RCBTB1 (regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) and BTB (POZ) domain containing protein 1), also known as GLP, CLLD7, CLLL7 or E4.5, is a 531 amino acid protein that localizes to the nucleus and contains two BTB (POZ) domains and six RCC1 repeats. Expressed ubiquitously, RCBTB1 is thought to be involved in cell cycle regulation, specifically via chromatin remodeling. The gene encoding RCBTB1 maps to a region on human chromosome 13 that is frequently deleted in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, suggesting a possible role for RCBTB1 in tumor suppression.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-5217R-CY7)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Bad is a member of the Bcl2 family and acts to promote apoptosis by forming heterodimers with the survival proteins Bcl2 and BclxL, thus preventing them from binding with BAX. Bad is found on the outer mitochondrial membrane and, once phosphorylated in response to growth stimuli, translocates to the cytoplasm. The phosphorylation status of Bad represents a key checkpoint for death or cell survival. JNK-induced phosphorylation of BAD serine 128 promotes the apoptotic role of Bad by opposing the inhibitory effect of growth factor on Bad-mediated apoptosis. Cdc2-induced phosphorylation of Bad serine 128 has an inhibitory effect on its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins. The latter interaction is critical for Bad phosphorylation at serine 155, a site within the BH3 domain that leads to the release of BclxL and the promotion of cell survival. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants which encode the same isoform.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-12186R-A350)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Voltage-gated K+ channels in the plasma membrane control the repolarization and the frequency of action potentials in neurons, muscles and other excitable cells. The KV gene family encodes more than 30 proteins that comprise the subunits of the K+ channels, and they vary in their gating and permeation properties, subcellular distribution and expression patterns. Functional KV channels assemble as tetramers consisting of pore-forming alpha subunits (KV), which include the KV1, KV2, KV3, KV4 and KV9 proteins, and accessory or KV-subunits that modify the gating properties of the coexpressed KV subunits. KV2.2 is a multi-pass membrane protein that regulates the voltage-dependent K+ permeability of excitable membranes. Its tail may be influential in the targeting of the channel to specific subcellular compartments and/or the regulation of channel activity.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-12186R-A555)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Voltage-gated K+ channels in the plasma membrane control the repolarization and the frequency of action potentials in neurons, muscles and other excitable cells. The KV gene family encodes more than 30 proteins that comprise the subunits of the K+ channels, and they vary in their gating and permeation properties, subcellular distribution and expression patterns. Functional KV channels assemble as tetramers consisting of pore-forming alpha subunits (KV), which include the KV1, KV2, KV3, KV4 and KV9 proteins, and accessory or KV-subunits that modify the gating properties of the coexpressed KV subunits. KV2.2 is a multi-pass membrane protein that regulates the voltage-dependent K+ permeability of excitable membranes. Its tail may be influential in the targeting of the channel to specific subcellular compartments and/or the regulation of channel activity.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-5150R-A350)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Multifunctional protein that plays a central role in the cellular response to oxidative stress. The two major activities of APEX1 in DNA repair and redox regulation of transcriptional factors. Functions as a apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endodeoxyribonuclease in the DNA base excision repair (BER) pathway of DNA lesions induced by oxidative and alkylating agents. Initiates repair of AP sites in DNA by catalyzing hydrolytic incision of the phosphodiester backbone immediately adjacent to the damage, generating a single-strand break with 5'-deoxyribose phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl ends. Does also incise at AP sites in the DNA strand of DNA/RNA hybrids, single-stranded DNA regions of R-loop structures, and single-stranded RNA molecules. Has a 3'-5' exoribonuclease activity on mismatched deoxyribonucleotides at the 3' termini of nicked or gapped DNA molecules during short-patch BER. Possesses a DNA 3' phosphodiesterase activity capable of removing lesions (such as phosphoglycolate) blocking the 3' side of DNA strand breaks. May also play a role in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression by participating in DNA demethylation. Acts as a loading factor for POLB onto non-incised AP sites in DNA and stimulates the 5'-terminal deoxyribose 5'-phosphate (dRp) excision activity of POLB. Plays a role in the protection from granzymes-mediated cellular repair leading to cell death. Also involved in the DNA cleavage step of class switch recombination (CSR). On the other hand, APEX1 also exerts reversible nuclear redox activity to regulate DNA binding affinity and transcriptional activity of transcriptional factors by controlling the redox status of their DNA-binding domain, such as the FOS/JUN AP-1 complex after exposure to IR. Involved in calcium-dependent down-regulation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) expression by binding to negative calcium response elements (nCaREs).
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9062R-A750)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Belongs to the class-I pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent aminotransferase family.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-5218R-CY5.5)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Acts as a negative regulator of entry into mitosis (G2 to M transition) by protecting the nucleus from cytoplasmically activated cyclin B1-complexed CDK1 before the onset of mitosis by mediating phosphorylation of CDK1 on 'Tyr-15'. Specifically phosphorylates and inactivates cyclin B1-complexed CDK1 reaching a maximum during G2 phase and a minimum as cells enter M phase. Phosphorylation of cyclin B1-CDK1 occurs exclusively on 'Tyr-15' and phosphorylation of monomeric CDK1 does not occur. Its activity increases during S and G2 phases and decreases at M phase when it is hyperphosphorylated. A correlated decrease in protein level occurs at M/G1 phase, probably due to its degradation.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Made up of nearly 146 million bases, chromosome 8 encodes about 800 genes. Translocation of portions of chromosome 8 with amplifications of the c-Myc gene are found in some leukemias and lymphomas, and typically associated with a poor prognosis. Portions of chromosome 8 have been linked to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Trisomy 8, also known as Warkany syndrome 2, most often results in early miscarriage but is occasionally seen in a mosaic form in surviving patients who suffer to a varying degree from a number of symptoms including retarded mental and motor development, and certain facial and developmental defects. WRN is a DNA helicase encoded by chromosome 8 and shown defective in those with the early aging disorder Werner syndrome. Chromosome 8 is also associated with Pfeiffer syndrome, congenital hypothyroidism and Waardenburg syndrome. The FAM135B gene product has been provisionally designated FAM135B pending further characterization.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Acts as a negative regulator of entry into mitosis (G2 to M transition) by protecting the nucleus from cytoplasmically activated cyclin B1-complexed CDK1 before the onset of mitosis by mediating phosphorylation of CDK1 on 'Tyr-15'. Specifically phosphorylates and inactivates cyclin B1-complexed CDK1 reaching a maximum during G2 phase and a minimum as cells enter M phase. Phosphorylation of cyclin B1-CDK1 occurs exclusively on 'Tyr-15' and phosphorylation of monomeric CDK1 does not occur. Its activity increases during S and G2 phases and decreases at M phase when it is hyperphosphorylated. A correlated decrease in protein level occurs at M/G1 phase, probably due to its degradation.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-12241R-A555)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Zinc-finger proteins contain DNA-binding domains and have a wide variety of functions, most of which encompass some form of transcriptional activation or repression. The majority of zinc-finger proteins contain a Krüppel-type DNA binding domain and a KRAB domain, which is thought to interact with KAP1, thereby recruiting histone modifying proteins. As a member of the krueppel C2H2-type zinc-finger protein family, ZNF704 is a 412 amino acid nuclear protein that contains one C2H2-type zinc finger. The gene encoding ZNF704 maps to human chromosome 8, which is made up of nearly 146 million bases and encodes about 800 genes. Chromosome 8 is also associated with Pfeiffer syndrome, congenital hypothyroidism and Waardenburg syndrome.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9065R-CY5.5)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   C19orf38
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9705R-A555)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   The type II integral membrane (ITM2) protein family consists of three members ITM2A (also designated E25), ITM2B and ITM2C. ITM2A expression is high in osteogenic and lymphoid tissues, while both ITM2B and ITM2C are expressed in brain. Mutations in the ITM2B gene can lead to familial British dementia (fbd), and autosomal dominant disease characterized by progressive dementia, spasticity, and cerebellar ataxia, or familial Danish dementia (fdd), an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by cataracts, deafness, progressive ataxia, and dementia. The ITM2A 263-amino acid protein contains an N-terminal cytosolic domain, an uncleaved signal anchor sequence, and a tyrosine-rich C-terminal domain. Human ITM2A shares 91% homology with mouse ITM2A.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9066R-A555)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   HIGD1A (HIG1 domain family member 1A), also known as HIG1 (hypoxia-inducible gene 1 protein) or HSPC010, is a 93 amino acid multi-pass membrane protein that contains one HIG1 domain. Existing as two alternatively spliced isoforms, the gene encoding HIGD1A maps to human chromosome 3, which contains approximately 214 million bases encoding over 1,100 genes. Notably, there is a chemokine receptor gene cluster and a variety of human cancer related loci on chromosome 3. Particular regions of the chromosome 3 short arm are deleted in many types of cancer cells. Key tumor suppressing genes on chromosome 3 encode apoptosis mediator RASSF1, cell migration regulator HYAL1 and angiogenesis suppressor SEMA3B. Marfan Syndrome, porphyria, von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease are a few of the numerous genetic diseases associated with chromosome 3.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-9065R-CY3)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   C19orf38
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
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