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ProSci Inc.
Z-DNA Binding Protein 1 (ZBP1) is a protein with 2 DRADA repeats. ZBP1 is highly expressed in lymphatic tissues including lymph node, leukocytes, tonsil, bone marrow, and spleen. ZBP1 participates in the detection of viral and bacterial DNA from by the host's innate immune system. It plays a role in host defense against tumors and pathogens. ZBP1 Acts as a cytoplasmic DNA sensor which, when activated, induces the recruitment of TBK1 and IRF3 to its C-terminal region and activates the downstream interferon regulatory factor (IRF) and NF-kappa B transcription factors, leading to type-I interferon production. ZBP1-induced NF-kappaB activation probably involves the recruitment of the RHIM containing kinases RIPK1 and RIPK3.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
YBX2 is a member of the Y box multigene family of proteins; it contains the cold shock domain that is highly conserved among all Y box proteins and four basic/aromatic islands. By Northern blotting and immunoblotting, MSY2 appears to be a germ cell-specific protein in the testis. In the ovary, MSY2 is present exclusively in diplotene-stage and mature oocytes. MSY2 is maternally inherited in the one-cell-stage embryo but is not detected in the late two-cell-stage embryo. This loss of MSY2 is coincident with the bulk degradation of maternal mRNAs in the two-cell embryo. YBX2 is a germ-cell specific member of the vertebrate Y box family of nucleic acid-binding proteins (Gu et al., 1998 [PubMed 9780336]; Tekur et al., 1999 [PubMed 10100484]).
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
Thermo Fisher Scientific
<i>Taq</i> DNA Polymerase is a highly thermostable DNA polymerase from the thermophilic bacterium <i>Thermus aquaticus</i>. The enzyme catalyses 5'→3' synthesis of DNA, has no detectable 3'→5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity and possesses low 5'→3' exonuclease activity. In addition, <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase exhibits deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity, which frequently results in the addition of extra adenines at the 3'-end of PCR products. Native <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase is preferred for amplification of bacterial DNA sequences homologous to those found in <i>E.coli</i>. Native<i> Taq</i> DNA polymerase stabilised with BSA is often the best choice when amplifying DNA samples of lower purity, e.g. genomic DNA from mouse tail.
1 * 1 KIT
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
This antibody recognises a 67 kDa transmembrane protein, which is identified as CD5. The CD5 antigen is found on 95% of thymocytes and 72% of peripheral blood lymphocytes. In lymph nodes, the main reactivity is observed in T cell areas. antibody to CD5 is a pan T-cell marker that also reacts with a range of neoplastic B-cells, e.g. chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL), mantle cell lymphoma, and a subset (~10%) of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. CD5 aberrant expression is useful in making a diagnosis of mature T-cell neoplasms. CD5 antibody detection is diagnostic in CLL/SLL within a panel of other B-cell markers, especially one that includes anti-CD23. CD5 antibody is also very useful in differentiating among mature small lymphoid cell malignancies. In addition, antibody to CD5 can be used in distinguishing thymic carcinoma (+) from thymoma (-). CD5 antibody does not react with granulocytes or monocytes.
1 * 1 EA
New Product
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ProSci Inc.
ZBP1 Antibody: Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) belongs to a family of proteins that contain the Zalpha domain which binds specifically to left-handed Z-DNA and Z-RNA. ZBP1 was initially identified as a novel gene that was up-regulated in activated macrophages in mice bearing ascites tumors, suggesting that is may play a role in processes such as host response in neoplasia. More recent reports indicate that the cytosolic ZBP1 has can act like the toll-like receptor TLR9 by detecting cytosolic double-stranded (ds) DNA and trigger induction of type I interferon and other innate immune responses. It is thought that the binding of ZBP1 to dsDNA enhances its association with innate immune response proteins such as the IRF3 transcription factor and the serine/threonine kinase TBK1 (also known as NAK). Multiple isoforms of ZBP1 are known to exist.
1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
The M1/70 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with the 170 kDa alpha M integrin chain of mouse CD11b from the Mac-1 integrin (CD11b/CD18). Mac-1 binds to C3bi, CD54 (ICAM-1), and fibrinogen, and it is expressed by granulocytes, macrophages, NK cells, myeloid-derived dendritic cells, microglia, activated lymphocytes, and mouse B-1 cells. The expression is up-regulated on activated neutrophils at the same time that L-selectin is shed from the cell surface. The M1/70 antibody is used for the detection of monocytes, granulocytes, and a subset of natural killer cells in human peripheral blood.M1/70 blocks C3bi binding and cell adherence, but not cell-mediated lysis and it cross-reacts with human CD11b.
1 * 0,1 mg
New Product
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Recognises a 53 kDa protein, which is identified as p53 suppressor gene product. It reacts with the mutant as well as the wild form of p53. p53 is a tumor suppressor gene expressed in a wide variety of tissue types and is involved in regulating cell growth, replication, and apoptosis. It binds to MDM2, SV40 T antigen and human papilloma virus E6 protein. Positive nuclear staining with p53 antibody has been reported to be a negative prognostic factor in breast carcinoma, lung carcinoma, colorectal, and urothelial carcinoma. Anti-p53 positivity has also been used to differentiate uterine serous carcinoma from endometrioid carcinoma as well as to detect intratubular germ cell neoplasia. Mutations involving p53 are found in a wide variety of malignant tumors, including breast, ovarian, bladder, colon, lung, and melanoma.
1 * 1 EA
New Product
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein (MIA) is an autocrine growth regulatory protein secreted from chondrocytes and malignant melanoma cells, which was the first discovered member of a family of secreted cytokines termed the MIA/OTOR family. The four known members of this family: MIA, MIA2, OTOR and TANGO each contain a Src homology-3 (SH3)-like domain. MIA acts as a potent tumor cell growth inhibitor for malignant melanoma cells and some other neuroectodermal tumors, including gliomas, in an autocrine fashion and promotes melanoma metastasis by binding competitively to fibronectin and laminin in a manner that results in melanoma cell detachment from the extracellular matrix in vivo. The protein MIA has been shown to represent a very sensitive and specific serum marker for systemic malignant melanoma that might be useful for staging of primary melanomas, detection of progression from localized to metastatic disease during follow-up, and monitoring therapy of advanced melanomas. Elevated levels of MIA may represent a clinically useful marker for diagnosis of melanoma metastasis as well as a potential marker for rheumatoid arthritis.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
LGP2 Antibody: Anti-viral innate immune responses are triggered by pathogen-associated molecular patters (such as the accumulation of intracellular nucleic acids resulting from virus infections) and represent the first line of defense against numerous infectious organisms. The Toll-like receptors (TLR) 3, 7, 8, and 9 are expressed in immune cells and function as transmembrane pattern recognition receptors to detect foreign nucleic acids. Other proteins that play similar roles, such as RIG-1 and MDA5 are members of a CARD-helicase family and are expressed in the cytoplasm. A third protein, LGP2, is similar to RIG-1 and MDA5, except for lacking a homologous CARD domain. It is thought to act as an element of negative-feedback regulation of intracellular antiviral signaling. At least four isoforms of LGP2 are known to exist.
1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
The M1/70 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with the 170 kDa alpha M integrin chain of mouse CD11b from the Mac-1 integrin (CD11b/CD18). Mac-1 binds to C3bi, CD54 (ICAM-1), and fibrinogen, and it is expressed by granulocytes, macrophages, NK cells, myeloid-derived dendritic cells, microglia, activated lymphocytes, and mouse B-1 cells. The expression is up-regulated on activated neutrophils at the same time that L-selectin is shed from the cell surface. The M1/70 antibody is used for the detection of monocytes, granulocytes, and a subset of natural killer cells in human peripheral blood.M1/70 blocks C3bi binding and cell adherence, but not cell-mediated lysis and it cross-reacts with human CD11b.
1 * 0,1 mg
New Product
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
The M1/70 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with the 170 kDa alpha M integrin chain of mouse CD11b from the Mac-1 integrin (CD11b/CD18). Mac-1 binds to C3bi, CD54 (ICAM-1), and fibrinogen, and it is expressed by granulocytes, macrophages, NK cells, myeloid-derived dendritic cells, microglia, activated lymphocytes, and mouse B-1 cells. The expression is up-regulated on activated neutrophils at the same time that L-selectin is shed from the cell surface. The M1/70 antibody is used for the detection of monocytes, granulocytes, and a subset of natural killer cells in human peripheral blood.M1/70 blocks C3bi binding and cell adherence, but not cell-mediated lysis and it cross-reacts with human CD11b.
1 * 0,025 mg
New Product
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
The M1/70 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with the 170 kDa alpha M integrin chain of mouse CD11b from the Mac-1 integrin (CD11b/CD18). Mac-1 binds to C3bi, CD54 (ICAM-1), and fibrinogen, and it is expressed by granulocytes, macrophages, NK cells, myeloid-derived dendritic cells, microglia, activated lymphocytes, and mouse B-1 cells. The expression is up-regulated on activated neutrophils at the same time that L-selectin is shed from the cell surface. The M1/70 antibody is used for the detection of monocytes, granulocytes, and a subset of natural killer cells in human peripheral blood.M1/70 blocks C3bi binding and cell adherence, but not cell-mediated lysis and it cross-reacts with human CD11b.
1 * 0,1 mg
New Product
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
The myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) is detected only in nuclei of cells of the granulocyte-monocyte lineage. A 200-amino acid region of human MNDA is strikingly similar to a region in the proteins encoded by a family of interferon-inducible mouse genes, designated Ifi-201, Ifi-202, and Ifi-203, that are not regulated in a cell- or tissue-specific fashion. The 1.8-kb MNDA mRNA, which contains an interferon-stimulated response element in the 5-prime untranslated region, was significantly upregulated in human monocytes exposed to interferon alpha. MNDA is located within 2,200 kb of FCER1A, APCS, CRP, and SPTA1. In its pattern of expression and/or regulation, MNDA resembles IFI16, suggesting that these genes participate in blood cell-specific responses to interferons.
1 * 400 µl
New Product
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
SAPAP1 Antibody: SAP90/PSD-95-associated protein 1 (SAPAP1, also known as DLGAP1 or GKAP) is a member of a protein family whose members specifically interact with PSD-95/SAP90, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase localized at postsynaptic density (PSD) in neuronal cells. Like the other SAPAP proteins, SAPAP1 is thought to be an adaptor protein that also interacts with different synaptic scaffolding proteins, cytoskeletal and signaling components, such as focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2). SAPAP1 mRNA is targeted to cell bodies in a similar manner to SAPAP2 and -4, whereas SAPAP3 mRNA is detected mainly in cell bodies. SAPAP1 protein however, is targeted to the synapse and is not reliant on the synaptic localization of PSD-95 or the synaptic scaffolding molecule (S-SCAM).
1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
This antibody recognises a protein of 33-37 kDa, identified as CD20 (Workshop V; Code CD20.12). The antibody recognises the extracellular domain of CD20. The epitope is similar to or identical to that recognized by other CD20 antibodies including Leu-16 and B1. This antibody can be used for immunophenotyping of leukemia and malignant cells, B lymphocyte detection in peripheral blood, Bcell localization in tissues and B lymphocyte purification by immunosorbent methods. CD20 is a non-Ig differentiation antigen of Bcells and its expression is restricted to normal and neoplastic Bcells, being absent from all other leukocytes and tissues. It is expressed by pre Bcells and persists during all stages of Bcell maturation but is lost upon terminal differentiation into plasma cells. Protein passes through the membrane 4 times with both ends in cytoplasm and exposes one short and one longer loop to the external environment. CD20 is not glycosylated in resting Bcells and its cytoplasmic domains are differentially phosphorylated upon activation. It acts as a calcium channel involved in Bcell activation and cell cycle progression.
1 * 1 EA
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Polyclonal antibody for EGFR detection. Host: Rabbit.Size: 100μg/vial. Tested applications: WB. Reactive species: Human. EGFR information: Molecular Weight: 134277 MW; Subcellular Localization: Cell membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Endoplasmic reticulum membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Golgi apparatus membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Nucleus membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Endosome. Endosome membrane. Nucleus. In response to EGF, translocated from the cell membrane to the nucleus via Golgi and ER. Endocytosed upon activation by ligand. Colocalized with GPER1 in the nucleus of estrogen agonist-induced cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF); Tissue Specificity: Ubiquitously expressed. Isoform 2 is also expressed in ovarian cancers.
1 * 1 EA
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