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Numéro de catalogue: (BOSSBS-12127R-CY5)

Fournisseur:  Bioss
Description:   Voltage-gated sodium channels are selective ion channels that regulate the permeability of sodium ions in excitable cells. During the propagation of an action potential, sodium channels allow an influx of sodium ions, which rapidly depolarize the cell. The three glycoproteins that comprise the voltage-gated sodium channel proteins include a pore-forming Beta subunit, a noncovalently associated Beta 1 subunit and a disulfide-linked Beta 2 subunit. Na+ CP type VII Alpha (Sodium channel protein type 7 subunit alpha), also known as SCN6A, Sodium channel protein cardiac and skeletal muscle subunit alpha and putative voltage-gated sodium channel subunit alpha Nax, is a 1682 amino acid multi-pass membrane protein that belongs to the sodium channel family. Primarily expressed in uterus and heart, Na+ CP type VII Alpha may function in the regulation of salt intake behavior and central sensing of body-fluid sodium levels.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (1614396.)

Fournisseur:  USP
Description:   USP Reference Standards are specified for use in conducting official USP–NF tests and assays. USP also provides Reference Standards specified in the Food Chemicals Codex as well as authentic substances—high-quality chemical samples—as a service to analytical, clinical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories.
UOM:  1 * 2 ST

Fournisseur:  Biotium
Description:   5-Aminoallyl-UTP can be enzymatically incorporated into RNA for subsequent labeling with an amine-reactive fluorescent dye, biotin, or other hapten.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Fournisseur:  Apollo Scientific
Description:   2992793
Description:   2992793
Fournisseur:  TCI
Description:   2992793
Description:   Selective activator of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) Iα, Iβ, and type II as well as of cGMP-gated ion channels.
New Product
Fournisseur:  Apollo Scientific
Description:   2992793
Fournisseur:  Merck
Description:   Brilliant Black BN (BB) is a azo dye which is basically a tetra sodium salt. It is a synthetic dye mainly used as food additive. It is used as colouring agent to enhance the appearance. It is usually used in jellies, brown sauces and cake mixes.
UOM:  1 * 25 mg
Description:   Ponceau S is the sodium salt of a diazo dye. It is used to make a stain for rapid reversible staining of protein bands on nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes (Western blots) and also for staining protein on cellulose acetate membranes. The stain is reversed with water washes and aids in subsequent immunological detection. The following are two common stain formulations: 0.1% Ponceau S (w/v) in 5% acetic acid 2% Ponceau S (w/v) in 30% TCA, 30% sulfosalicylic acid.
Fournisseur:  Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description:   2992793
Numéro de catalogue: (1804-15ML)

Description:   When mixed with a 4% sodium nitrite solution, a freshly hexazotized pararosaniline solution is produced. May be used in a variety of cytochemistry procedures, including Sigma Procedures 181B and 181C.
UOM:  1 * 15 mL
Fournisseur:  TCI
Description:   2992793
Numéro de catalogue: (LIOF612401)

Fournisseur:  LIOFILCHEM
Description:   Sodium Desoxycholate is the sodium salt of desoxycholic acid, a highly purified bile acid, and inhibits Gram-positive cocci and spore forming organisms. Culture media containing sodium desoxycholate are used for the enumeration of coliforms from milk, water, sewage, etc.., and for the isolation of enteric pathogens.
UOM:  1 * 500 g
New Product

Fournisseur:  Biotium
Description:   5-Aminoallyl-UTP can be enzymatically incorporated into RNA for subsequent labeling with an amine-reactive fluorescent dye, biotin, or other hapten.
UOM:  1 * 1 mg
Fournisseur:  TCI
Description:   2992793
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