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Cell Culture Surface Selection: Achieving optimal growth and harvesting of your cells


Tuesday, 5th October 2021
15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


Cell Culture is a key step in a wide variety of life science workflows. To help ensure optimal results for different cell types, it is important to choose the right culture vessel and the best cell culture surface for your application. In this webinar we will consider a range of surface treatmemts for cell culture vessels, and how they can help to optimise your cell culture. From suspension culture, to adherent culture, 3-d culture and temperature-responsive surfaces, we will consider the impact the cell culture vessel can have on your cell culture. 

Presented By:

Nadine Wagner

Nadine Wagner is Technical Sales Specialist for Cell Culture Plastics. She holds an M.Sc. degree in biochemistry with a focus on the field of cell biology from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. She has extensive laboratory experience and is familiar with a wide range of upstream and downstream processes. After her M.Sc. degree she worked as research assistant in the working group Electron Microscopy at the Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (BMLS).

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