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How to improve the reliability of your PCR results


Monday, 9th November, 2020
11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


Reliable PCR results and contamination avoidance through advanced PCR disposables and sealing options

PCR is one of the standard methods in almost all life science laboratories and is becoming more and more important. New or even more sensitive variants, such as a method for COVID-19 diagnostics, are being developed continuously. As the importance of PCR increases, so do the requirements on it. For example, the methods must offer the highest reliability even with the smallest sample quantities and short processing times. In the webinar, practical tips are given how to prevent contamination and optimise your PCR to fulfil these high requirements. 

Presented by:

Sophie Heller

Sophie Heller has a M.Sc. in pharmaceutical biotechnology from the University of Applied Science Jena. During her bachelor thesis she investigated the possible applications of 'Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism', a special application in molecular diagnostics. During her masters thesis she focused on 3-D cell culture and investigations using Real-Time PCR. Since 2018 Sophie Heller has been working as a product specialist for PCR and repetitive pipettes at BRAND.

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