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Enhancing everyday microbiology workflows with easy-to-use, benchtop nanopore sequencing


Thursday, 20th October, 2022  
16:00 to 17:00 CEST (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


If you think sequencing data would benefit your research, but equally feel that it is not an option open to you — perhaps because of cost, accessibility, or expertise — then join this webinar to hear from two early-career scientists who have taken complete control of when, where, and how they sequence using the MinION from Oxford Nanopore Technologies.

In this webinar:

  • See real-life examples of workflows before the use of nanopore sequencing
  • Learn about the journey to sequencing with the MinION
  • Discover the novel insights gained from utilising nanopore sequencing
  • Hear the latest research into bacterial infections and the evolution of antibiotic resistance

For more information, please contact us at

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