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Numéro de catalogue: (J63283.QA)

Fournisseur:  Thermo Scientific
Description:   BCA Protein Assay Kit can be used to measure very dilute protein concentrations in very small sample volumes. The kit accurately measures protein concentrations from 0,5 to 30 μg/ml in tube assays and 1 to 20 μg/ml in 96- or 384-well plate assays. It is used for studying protein:protein interactions, measuring column fractions after affinity chromatography, estimating percent recovery of membrane proteins from cell extracts and high-throughput screening of fusion proteins.
UOM:  1 * 1 KIT
Fournisseur:  Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description:   Thermo Scientific™ Maxima™ H Minus cDNA Synthesis Master Mix with dsDNase provides a simple workflow that combines genomic DNA elimination and cDNA synthesis in a one-tube procedure. The cDNA reaction components are pre-mixed into a complete master mix that is convenient to use, reduces pipetting steps, and is optimised for cDNA synthesis in two-step quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) applications. Maxima™ H Minus cDNA Synthesis Master Mix is optimised for reproducible cDNA synthesis at elevated temperatures (50 to 65°C) within 30 minutes.
Numéro de catalogue: (HUPF0112054)

Description:   Trolley in robust, self-supporting and hygienic design, made of high-quality stainless steel. Ø 25 mm round tube frame with two welded, 1000 ×600 mm deep-drawn shelves with 10 mm high profile edge, lined with sound insulation on the underside, hygienically folded by 35 mm and rebated inwards, designed for easy cleaning. Push bars integrated on both sides into tube frame ensure good manoeuvrability. Trolley with stainless steel panels on three sides and double-wing doors with grip opening and magnetic catch. Four polypropylene disc bumpers serve as bumpers and protect trolley on all sides as well as building-side walls from being damaged. Trolley runs on four swivel casters of which two with total locks, Ø 125 mm, chrome-galvanised housing, plastic caster wheel with roller bearing, failsafe running tread identical to pneumatic casters, with pin fastening.
UOM:  1 * 1 ST
Fournisseur:  Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description:   Nunc™, Couvercle pour plaques, Lid, PS, with condensation rings and evaporation barrier, for use with LowBot™ 384- and 1536-well plates, incolore, Stérile
Environmentally Preferable
Fournisseur:  MACHEREY-NAGEL
Description:   <p>Photometric test kits for the determination of ortho and total phosphate in water samples.</p>
Fournisseur:  Merck
Description:   Pyrène pour la synthèse, Sigma-Aldrich®
Fournisseur:  Merck
Description:   1-Méthylpipérazine pour la synthèse, Sigma-Aldrich®

Fournisseur:  Merck
Description:   (R)-(+)-N,N-Dimethyl-1-ferrocenylethylamine pour la synthèse
UOM:  1 * 1 mL
Fournisseur:  HICHROM
Description:   CIMmultus™ columns are based on an innovative monolithic technology. Distinguished by large pores/flow through channels these columns are designed for the production, purification, and analytics of large proteins (IgG, IgM, PEGylated proteins), viruses (AAV, adenovirus, lentivirus, influenza, bacteriophages), VLPs, exosomes and pDNA for example.
Description:   Fluoroshield™ with 1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane is an aqueous mounting medium for preserving fluorescence of tissue and cell smears.
UOM:  1 * 20 mL
Fournisseur:  VWR Chemicals
Description:   Q Path® Labofix est un spray fixateur cytologique capable de fixer et de stocker les éléments cellulaires de frottis gynécologiques ou non après étalage sur une lame de verre.
Fournisseur:  Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description:   These dialysis flasks facilitate simple and effective removal of buffer salts and small contaminants from proteins and other macromolecules in sample volumes up to 250 ml.
Fournisseur:  LIOFILCHEM
Description:   Quanti-CultiControl are lyophilized, quantitative microorganism preparations to be used in industrial laboratories for Quality Control purposes. Processed as directed, these preparations provide a challenge of < 100 CFU per 0.1 mL, a concentration suitable for several pharmaceutical applications, including growth promotion testing of culture media to be employed in sterility testing
Numéro de catalogue: (8.20894.9200)

Fournisseur:  Merck
Description:   Nitrométhane pour la synthèse, Sigma-Aldrich®
UOM:  1 * 200 kg
Fournisseur:  Merck
Description:   Biphényle pour la synthèse, Sigma-Aldrich®

Fournisseur:  Merck
Description:   Chloroformiate de cholest-5-ène-3β-yle pour la synthèse
UOM:  1 * 25 g
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