Protéines et Peptides
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ProSci Inc.
Actins are highly conserved proteins that are involved in various types of cell motility, and maintenance of the cytoskeleton. In vertebrates, three main groups of actin isoforms, α, β and γ have been identified. The α actins are found in muscle tissues and are a major constituent of the contractile apparatus. The β and γ actins co-exist in most cell types as components of the cytoskeleton, and as mediators of internal cell motility. Actin, γ 1, encoded by this gene, is a cytoplasmic actin found in nonmuscle cells.
FUNCTION: Actins are highly conserved proteins that are involved in various types of cell motility and are ubiquitously expressed in all eukaryotic cells. SUBUNIT: Polymerization of globular actin (G-actin) leads to a structural filament (F-actin) in the form of a two-stranded helix. Each actin can bind to 4 others.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
CD200 is also known as OX-2 membrane glycoprotein (OX-2), is a type-1 membrane glycoprotein, which contains two immunoglobulin domains (1 Ig-like C2-type (immunoglobulin-like) domain and Ig-like V-type (immunoglobulin-like) domain), and thus belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD200 / OX-2 is widely expressed in multiple cell types. CD200 interacts with a structurally related receptor (CD200R) expressed mainly on myeloid cells and is involved in regulation of macrophage and mast cell function. OX-2 / CD200 and CD200R associate via their respective N-terminal Ig-like domains. CD200 also plays an important role in prevention of graft rejection, autoimmune diseases and spontaneous abortion.
1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 12A (TNFRSF12A) is also known as Fibroblast growth factor-inducible immediate-early response protein 14 (FN14 or FGF-inducible 14), Tweak-receptor, CD antigen CD266. TNFRSF12A contains one TNFR-Cys repeat. TNFRSF12A is highly expressed in heart, placenta and kidney. TNFRSF12A is receptor for TNFSF12/TWEAK, and is weak inducer of apoptosis in some cell types. TNFRSF12A / FN14 promotes angiogenesis and the proliferation of endothelial cells.
1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a 133 amino acid glycoprotein with one intramolecular disulphide bond and variable glycosylation. It is secreted by activated T cells and induces proliferation and maturation of activated T cells, natural killer cells and lymphokine activated killer cells. IL-2 also stimulates proliferation of antibody-producing B cells, activates neutrophils and induces mononuclear cells to secrete IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha and -beta. Moreover, studies have shown that IL-2 is required for activation-induced apoptosis, an important homeostatic mechanism in the immune system, which is involved in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance to self-antigens. IL-2 promotes T cell proliferation and particularly naive T cells. IL-2 signalling on activated T cells is effected through a quaternary high-affinity receptor complex consisting of IL-2, IL-2Ralpha (CD25), IL-2Rbeta and IL-2Rgamma. Naive T cells are relatively insensitive to IL-2 as they only express small amounts of IL-2Rbeta and IL-2Rgamma. They only acquire sensitivity after CD25 expression, which captures the cytokine and presents it to the IL-2Rbeta and IL-2Rgamma receptors. IL-2 Superkine (Fc) is an artificial variant of IL-2 containing mutations at positions L80F / R81D / L85V / I 86V / I92F. These mutations are located in the molecule's core that acts to stabilize the structure and to give it a receptor-binding conformation mimicking native IL-2 bound to CD25. These mutations effectively eliminate the functional requirement of IL-2 for CD25 expression and elicit proliferation of T cells. Compared to IL-2, the IL-2 superkine induces superior expansion of cytotoxic T cells, leading to improved antitumor responses in vivo, and elicits proportionally less toxicity by lowering the expansion of Tregulatory cells and reducing pulmonary oedema.
1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Irisin is a recently described exercise-induced hormone secreted by skeletal muscle in mice and humans. Irisin activates beige fat cells (beige cells have a gene expression pattern distinct from either white or brown fat and are preferentially sensitive to the polypeptide hormone irisin). Irisin is cleaved from the type I membrane protein FNDC5 and improves systemic metabolism by increasing energy expenditure. FNDC4 is an ortholog of FNDC5 with 50% identity and 86% similarity compared to Irisin. FNDC4 as well as FNDC5 are extremely well conserved between species. The function of FNDC4 is unknown. The human FNDC4 gene is highly enriched in liver, brain tissue and adipocytes.
1 * 1 EA
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Human C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 10 (CXCL10) is a non-ELR chemokine secreted by various cell types, such as monocytes, endothelial cells and fibroblasts, in response to IFN- gamma . CXCL10 functions via chemokine receptor CXCR3. CXCL10 has been attributed to several roles, such as chemoattraction for activated T-lymphocytes, inhibition of angiogenesis, and antitumor activity.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
CD83 antigen is a single-pass type I membrane protein which contains one Ig-like V-type (immunoglobulin-like) domain. CD83 is expressed by activated lymphocytes, Langerhans cells and interdigitating reticulum cells. It contains one Ig-like V-type (immunoglobulin-like) domain. , the soluble CD83 has the opposite effect and has an immune inhibitory capacity. Due to its immune inhibitory function, CD83 may play a significant role in antigen presentation or the cellular interactions that follow lymphocyte activation.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Clusterin is a secreted protein which belongs to the Clusterin family. Clusterin is expressed in adult testis, heart, ovary, adrenal gland, brain and liver. Clusterin has been suggested to be involved in several basic biological events such as cell death, tumor progression, and neurodegenerative disorders. In addition,Clusterin is up/ down regulated on the mRNA or protein level in many pathological and clinically relevant situations including cancer, organ regeneration, infection, Alzheimer disease, retinitis pigmentosa, myocardial infarction, renal tubular damage, autoimmunity and others.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Human Kallikrein 11 (KLK11) is a member of tissue kallikrein family which are extracellular serine proteases consisting of 15 members. Two isoforms of KLK11 are differentially expressed. Isoform 1 is predominantly expressed in brain and isoform 2 is preferentially expressed in prostate. Isoform 1 consists of a signal peptide,a short pro peptide and the mature chain.Isoform 2 contains an extra 32 amino acid N terminal to full-length isoform 1.KLK11 is a novel marker for ovarian and prostate cancer carcinomas. KLK11 can be activated by thermolysin and is active against a thioester substrate.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Kallikreins are a subgroup of serine proteases having diverse physiological functions. Growing evidence suggests that many Kallikreins are implicated in carcinogenesis and some have potential as novel cancer and other disease biomarkers. This gene is one of the fifteen Kallikrein subfamily members located in a cluster on chromosome 19. Its encoded protein is secreted and may play a role in suppression of tumorigenesis in breast and prostate cancers. Alternate splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants encoding the same protein.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Endothelial Protein C Receptor (EPCR) is a Vitamin K-dependent Serine Protease that plays a major role in blood coagulation. Binding of Protein C to EPCR leads to the proteolytic activation of PAR1 (Protease-Activated Receptor 1) on endothelial cells and subsequent up-regulation of Protein C-induced genes. EPCR is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein in the CD1/MHC family. It is expressed most strongly in the endothelial cells of arteries and veins in heart and lung. Membrane bound EPCR is released by metalloproteolytic cleavage to generate the soluble receptor. The extracellular domain of human and mouse EPCR shares approximately 61% amino acid sequence homology. EPCR plays an important role in augmenting Protein C activation by the Thrombin-Thrombomodulin complex and in regulating blood coagulation and inflammation. EPCR is found primarily on endothelial cells. Deletion of EPCR function results in embryonic death, at least in part due to placental thrombosis.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Activin proteins that belong to the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF- beta ) superfamily, exert their biological actions by binding to heteromeric receptor complexes of type I and type II serine/threonine kinase receptors. On ligand binding, type I and II receptors form a stable complex, resulting in phosphorylation of type I receptors by type II receptors with constitutive kinase activity, and subsequently initiates the activation of downstream molecules including the endogenous Smads. ActRIIB, also known as ActRIIB, is a type II receptor containing an extracellular domain (ECD), a transmembrane segment, and a cytoplasmic region that includes the kinase domain. ActRIIB is a receptor for activin A, activin B and inhibin A. Multiple ActRIIB isoforms can also be generated, which bind activin isoforms with different affinities.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a type of membrane glycoprotein, and belongs to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor family. HER2 plays a key role in development, cell proliferation and differentiation. HER2 has been reported to associate with malignancy and a poor prognosis in numerous carcinomas, including breast, prostate, ovarian, lung cancers and so on. HER2 is activated by dimerization and not activated by EGF, TGF-alpha and amphiregulin. Interaction with PTK6 increases its intrinsic kinase activity.It is heterodimer with EGFR, ERBB3 and ERBB4. HER2 associates with the 5'-TCAAATTC-3' sequence in the PTGS2/COX-2 promoter and activates its transcription. It implicated in transcriptional activation of CDKN1A and the function of the protein involves STAT3 and SRC. And also it involved in the transcription of rRNA genes by RNA Pol I and enhances protein synthesis and cell growth.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Advanced Glycosylation End Product-Specific Receptor (AGER) belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell surface molecules. It lies within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class III region on chromosome 6. Besides AGEs, AGER is also able to bind other ligands which is thought to result in pro-inflammatory gene activation. It is known that AGER serve as a mediator of both acute and chronic vascular inflammation in certain conditions such as atherosclerosis and in particular as a complication of diabetes. Furthermore, it plays an important role in regulating the production/expression of TNF-alpha, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Mouse Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF or VEGFA), is a potent mediator of both angiogenesis and vasculogenesis in the fetus and adult. It is a member of the PDGF/VEGF growth factor family that is characterized by a cystine knot structure formed by eight conserved cysteine residues. Alternately spliced isoforms of 120, 164 and 188 aa found in mouse. VEGF binds the type I transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases VEGF R1 (also called Flt1) and VEGF R2 (Flk/KDR) on endothelial cells.Although affinity is highest for binding to VEGF R1, VEGF R2 appears to be the primary mediator of VEGF angiogenic activity. VEGF is required during embryogenesis to regulate the proliferation, migration, and survival of endothelial cells.It may play a role in increasing vascular permeability during lactation, when increased transport of molecules from the blood is required for efficient milk protein synthesis.
1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue:
ProSci Inc.
Ephrin-A1 is a cell membrane protein and contains 1 ephrin RBD (ephrin receptor-binding) domain. EFNA1 belongs to the ephrin (EPH) family. The ephrins and EPH-related receptors comprise the largest subfamily of receptor protein-tyrosine kinases and have been implicated in mediating developmental events, especially in the nervous system and in erythropoiesis. Based on their structures and sequence relationships, ephrins are divided into the ephrin-A (EFNA) class, which are anchored to the membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol linkage, and the ephrin-B (EFNB) class, which are transmembrane proteins. This gene encodes an EFNA class ephrin which binds to the EPHA2, EPHA4, EPHA5, EPHA6, and EPHA7 receptors. Two transcript variants that encode different isoforms were identified through sequence analysis.It belongs to the ephrin family and contains 1 ephrin RBD (ephrin receptor-binding) domain.
1 * 50 µG
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