ProSci Inc.
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ProSci Inc.
This mAb recognises a protein of ~50 kDa identified as SOX10. This mAb is highly specific and does not cross-react with other members of the SOX-family. SOX genes comprise a family of genes that are related to the mammalian sex-determining gene SRY. These genes similarly contain sequences that encode for the HMG-box domain, which is responsible for the sequence-specific DNA-binding activity. SOX10 is a sensitive marker of melanoma, including conventional, spindled, and desmoplastic subtypes. It is expressed by metastatic melanomas and nodal capsular nevus in sentinel lymph nodes, but not by other lymph node components such as dendritic cells, which usually express S100 protein. Commonly used melanoma markers, such as anti-HMB-45 and anti-Melan-A, are poorly expressed in desmoplastic melanomas while SOX10 is moderately to strongly expressed in desmoplastic melanomas. SOX10 is considered as a very reliable marker for recognizing residual desmoplastic melanomas. In normal tissues, it is expressed in Schwann cells, melanocytes, and myoepithelial cells of salivary, bronchial and mammary glands. SOX10 expression is also observed in mast cells.
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ProSci Inc.
The mitochondrial marker antibody is specific for an antigen associated with the mitochondria in human cells. It can be used to stain mitochondria in cell or tissue preparations and as a mitochondrial marker in subcellular fractions.
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ProSci Inc.
Chromogranin A is present in neuroendocrine cells throughout the body, including the neuroendocrine cells of the large and small intestine, adrenal medulla and pancreatic islets. It is an excellent marker for carcinoid tumors, pheochromocytomas, paragangliomas, and other neuroendocrine tumors. Co-expression of chromogranin A and neuron specific enolase (NSE) is common in neuroendocrine neoplasms. Reportedly, co-expression of certain keratins and chromogranin indicates neuroendocrine lineage. The presence of strong anti-chromogranin staining and absence of anti-keratin staining should raise the possibility of paraganglioma. The co-expression of chromogranin and NSE is typical of neuroendocrine neoplasms. Most pituitary adenomas and prolactinomas readily express chromogranin.
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ProSci Inc.
HER2 is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinases. This protein has no ligand binding domain of its own and therefore cannot bind growth factors. However, it does bind tightly to other ligand-bound EGF receptor family members to form a heterodimer, stabilizing ligand binding and enhancing kinase-mediated activation of downstream signalling pathways, such as those involving mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase. Amplification and/or overexpression of this gene has been reported in numerous cancers, including breast and ovarian tumors. HER2 protein is over-expressed in a variety of carcinomas especially those of breast and ovary. [RefSeq].
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ProSci Inc.
This antibody is specific to the kappa light chain of immunoglobulin and shows no cross-reaction with lambda light chain or any of the five heavy chains. In mammals, the two light chains in an antibody are always identical, with only one type of light chain, kappa or lambda. In general, the ratio of Kappa to Lambda is 3:1. However, with the occurrence of multiple myeloma or other B-cell malignancies this ratio is disturbed. Antibody to the kappa light chain is reportedly useful in the identification of leukemias, plasmacytomas, and certain non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Demonstration of clonality in lymphoid infiltrates indicates that the infiltrate is malignant.
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ProSci Inc.
Recognises a protein of 57 kDa, identified as p57Kip2. It shows no cross-reaction with p27Kip1. p57Kip2 is a potent tight-binding inhibitor of several G1 cyclin complexes, and is a negative regulator of cell proliferation. Anti-p57 has been used as an aide in identification of complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) (no nuclear labeling of cytotrophoblasts and stromal cells) from partial hydatidiform mole (PHM) in which both cytotrophoblasts and stromal cells stain. The histological differentiation of complete mole, partial mole, and hydropic spontaneous abortion is problematic. Most complete hydatidiform moles are diploid, whereas most partial moles are triploid. Ploidy studies will identify partial moles, but will not differentiate complete moles from non-molar gestations. Complete moles carry a high risk of persistent disease and choriocarcinoma, while partial moles have a very low risk. In normal placenta, many cytotrophoblast nuclei and stromal cells are labeled with this antibody. Similar findings apply to PHM and hydropic abortus tissues. Intervillous trophoblastic islands (IVTIs) demonstrate nuclear labeling in all three entities and serve as an internal control.
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ProSci Inc.
CD45RO is a member of the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family. PTPs are known to be signaling molecules that regulate a variety of cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation, mitosis, and oncogenic transformation. CD45RO contains an extracellular domain, a single transmembrane segment and two tandem intracytoplasmic catalytic domains, and thus is classified as a receptor type PTP. It has been shown to be an essential regulator of T- and B-cell antigen receptor signaling. It functions through either direct interaction with components of the antigen receptor complexes, or by activating various Src family kinases required for the antigen receptor signaling. It also suppresses JAK kinases, and thus functions as a regulator of cytokine receptor signaling. [RefSeq].
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ProSci Inc.
Thymidylate synthase converts deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) to deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP), which is essential for DNA biosynthesis. Thymidylate synthase is also a critical target for the fluoropyrimidines, an important group of anti-neoplastic drugs that are widely used in the treatment of solid tumors. Both 5-FU and fluorodeoxyuridine are converted in tumor cells to FdUMP which inactivates thymidylate synthase by formation of a ternary covalent complex in the presence of the folate cofactor 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate. Expression of thymidylate synthase protein is associated with response to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in human colorectal, gastric, head and neck, and breast carcinomas.
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ProSci Inc.
There are two types of cytokeratins/keratins/CKs: the acidic type I cytokeratins and the basic or neutral type II cytokeratins. The subsets of cytokeratins which an epithelial cell expresses depends mainly on the type of epithelium, the moment in the course of terminal differentiation and the stage of development. Thus this specific keratin fingerprint allows the classification of all epithelia upon their keratin expression profile. Furthermore this applies also to the malignant counterparts of the epithelia (carcinomas), as the keratin profile tends to remain constant when an epithelium undergoes malignant transformation. The main clinical implication is that the study of the keratin profile by immunohistochemistry techniques is a tool of immense value widely used for tumor diagnosis and characterization in surgical pathology. [Wiki].
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ProSci Inc.
CD20 is a non-Ig differentiation antigen of B-cells and its expression is restricted to normal and neoplastic B-cells, being absent from all other leukocytes and tissues. It is expressed by pre B-cells and persists during all stages of maturation but is lost upon terminal differentiation into plasma cells. The protein passes through the membrane 4 times with both ends in cytoplasm and exposes one short and one longer loop to the external environment. It acts as a calcium channel involved in B-cell activation and cell cycle progression.
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ProSci Inc.
MITF (microphthalmia transcription factor) is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes with essential roles in cell differentiation, proliferation and survival. Binds to symmetrical DNA sequences (E-boxes) (5'-CACGTG-3') found in the promoters of target genes, such as BCL2 and tyrosinase (TYR). Plays an important role in melanocyte development by regulating the expression of tyrosinase (TYR) and tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1). Plays a critical role in the differentiation of various cell types, such as neural crest-derived melanocytes, mast cells, osteoclasts and optic cup-derived retinal pigment epithelium. [UniProt].
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ProSci Inc.
Actins are a family of proteins which are highly conserved and play a role in cell motility, structure and integrity. Alpha, beta and gamma actin isoforms have been identified, with alpha actins being a major constituent of the contractile apparatus, while beta and gamma actins are involved in the regulation of cell motility. [RefSeq].
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ProSci Inc.
CD59 is a potent inhibitor of the complement membrane attack complex (MAC) action. Acts by binding to the C8 and/or C9 complements of the assembling MAC, thereby preventing incorporation of the multiple copies of C9 required for complete formation of the osmolytic pore. This inhibitor appears to be species-specific. Involved in signal transduction for T-cell activation complexed to a protein tyrosine kinase. The soluble form from urine retains its specific complement binding activity, but exhibits greatly reduced ability to inhibit MAC assembly on cell membranes. [UniProt].
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ProSci Inc.
CD57/HNK-1 marks a subset of lymphocytes known as natural killer (NK) cells. Follicular center cell lymphomas often contain many NK cells within the neoplastic follicles. Anti-CD57/HNK-1 also stains neuroendocrine cells and their derived tumors, including carcinoid tumor and medulloblastoma. Anti-CD57/HNK-1 can also be useful in separating type B3 thymoma from thymic carcinoma when combined with a panel that includes antibodies against GLUT1, CD5, and CEA.
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ProSci Inc.
The Mucins are a family of highly glycosylated, secreted proteins with a basic structure consisting of a variable number of tandem repeats. Mucin-3/MUC3 is a major glycoprotein component of a variety of mucus gels. Thought to provide a protective, lubricating barrier against particles and infectious agents at mucosal surfaces. May be involved in ligand binding and intracellular signaling. [UniProt].
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ProSci Inc.
CD43 is one of the major glycoproteins of thymocytes and T lymphocytes. Plays a role in the physicochemical properties of the T-cell surface and in lectin binding. Presents carbohydrate ligands to selectins. Has an extended rodlike structure that could protrude above the glycocalyx of the cell and allow multiple glycan chains to be accessible for binding. Is a counter-receptor for SN/Siglec-1 (By similarity). During T-cell activation is actively removed from the T-cell-APC (antigen-presenting cell) contact site thus suggesting a negative regulatory role in adaptive immune response (By similarity). [UniProt].
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