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How to make chromatography more sustainable


Tuesday, 10th October, 2023  
15:00 to 16:30 CET (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


Liquid chromatography is a widely used analytical technique in various fields such as pharmaeuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage, environmental monitoring and more. Most popular type of liquid chromatography is reversed phase (~>75%), which in general so far it is not a "green" analytical method Up to now it is mainly based on acetonitrile and still uses relatively large columns (the most used column dimensin still is 250x4.6 mm). however, there are a few mobile phase tweaking possibilities how to make chromatography in more sustainable without compromising performance of chromatographical separation.

For more information, please contact us at

Presented By:


Egidijus Machtejevas

Egidijus Mactejeva was born in Kaunas, Lithuania where he studied chemistry, biotechnology and separation sciences (1991-2001) at Kaunas University of Technology Lithuania. Also, as a research student spend a year in Prof. Stelan Hjerten laboratory in Uppsala University (Sweden). After gaining his PhD in analytical chemistry in 2001-2007 he worked as a post-doc with Prof. Klaus unger at Mainz University, Germany. Alos two years spent at AstraZeneca (Sweden) where he set up and validated several various multidimensional systems for preptidomic analysis of differnt biological flluids. He jonted the R&D Department at Merck KGaA in Darmstadtin 2008, in 2009 took marketing manager posisiton for North America, 2010-2018 product manager for Chromatography. Currently he is a Senior Technical Advisor in Analytical Chromatogrpahy Workflows group. Egidijus Machtejevas has twenty five sicentific papers and thirteen book chapters to his name, and his major fous areas including chromatography, multidimensional liquid chromatography, proteomics and mas spectrometry.