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Fournisseur:  EPPENDORF
Description:   Three economic start-up packs are available - Option 3 includes a special "ml" large-volume pack (up to 10 ml) which is ideal for pipetting cell culture media.
Environmentally Preferable
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI6489)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   HIG1 Antibody: HIG1 and HIG2 (Hypoxia-inducible gene 1 and 2, respectively) are known to be induced by hypoxic conditions. HIG1 is induced by hypoxia and by glucose deprivation in cultured cells. In addition, tumor xenografts derived from human cervical cancer cells display increased expression of HIG1 and HIG2 when they are deprived of oxygen. Unlike HIG2, which is ubiquitously expressed and might be an activator and target of the canonical Wnt pathway, the function and the mechanisms underlying its regulation of HIG1 still remained unknown. The putative link between hypoxia and an oncogenic signaling pathway might play an important role in tumorigenesis.
UOM:  1 * 1 EA
Fournisseur:  MP Biomedicals
Description:   Storage: Store at Room Temperature (15-30 °C).
Methionine is one of the common sulfur-containing amino acids. Methionine is a common methyl-group donor to various substrates, such as creatine, epinephrine, ergosterol, and choline.
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI7689)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Hantaan virus (HNTV) is the prototype virus of the genus hantavirus of the family Bunyaviridae, an enveloped, negative-sense RNA virus that is the eiological agent of Korean hemorrhagic fever. Infection of cultured Vero E6 cells with HNTV induced expression of the heat shock protein HSP70. A substantial fraction of HSP70 was found to be associated with the HNTV nucleocapsid (NP). Vero E6 cells that overexpress HSP70 show significantly reduced levels of NP and an increased resistance to infection by HNTV.
UOM:  1 * 1 EA

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1), also designated acidic FGF, and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), also designated basic FGF, are members of a family of growth factors that stimulate proliferation of cells of mesenchymal, epithelial and neuroectodermal origin. Additional members of the family include the oncogenes FGF3 (Int2) and FGF4 (hst/Kaposi), FGF5, FGF6, FGF7 (KGF), FGF8 (AIGF), FGF9 (GAF) and FGF10 through FGF-23. Members of the family share 30-55% amino acid sequence identity and similar gene structure, and are capable of transforming cultured cells when overexpressed in trans- fected cells. Cellular receptors for FGFs are members of a second multigene family, including four tyrosine kinases designated Flg (FGFR-1), Bek (FGFR-L), TKF and FGFR-3.
UOM:  1 * 1 EA
New Product

Fournisseur:  Corning
Description:   En PP. Utilisées pour la collecte d'échantillons, la culture des cellules et le stockage à long terme.
UOM:  1 * 25 ST
Environmentally Preferable
Numéro de catalogue: (734-1102)

Fournisseur:  Corning
Description:   La poly-D-Lysine (PDL) est une molécule synthétique utilisée comme revêtement pour améliorer la fixation cellulaire sur des surfaces en plastique et en verre. Elle est employée pour la culture de différents types de cellules, en particulier les neurones, les cellules gliales et les cellules transfectées.
UOM:  1 * 20 mg
Environmentally Preferable
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI38-216)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP1) and Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP 2) have similar properties, specifically in inhibiting enzymes of the matrix metalloproteinase family, and are thought to be of great importance in the maintenance of connective tissue integrity. TIMP1 forms a complex of 1:1 stoichiometry with activated interstitial collagenases, activated stromelysin, active form of 72kDa Type IV collagenase (also known as MMP2 or gelatinase A), and latent and active forms of 92kDa Type IV collagenase (also known as MMP0 or gelatinase B). TIMPs inhibit the proteolytic invasiveness of tumour cells and normal placental trophoblast cells. TIMP1 is produced in low (pg/mL) levels by most cell types. Treatment of cells with the phorbol ester TPA stimulates production of TIMP1 in some cell types, but the low protein levels produced often require concentration of cell culture media to visualize the bands by Western Blotting.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI79-898)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   The protein encoded by this intronless gene is a bZIP transcription factor which can bind as a homodimer to certain promoters and enhancers. It can also form heterodimers with the related proteins CEBP-beta and CEBP-gamma. The encoded protein has been shown to bind to the promoter and modulate the expression of the gene encoding leptin, a protein that plays an important role in body weight homeostasis. Also, the encoded protein can interact with CDK2 and CDK4, thereby inhibiting these kinases and causing growth arrest in cultured cells.
UOM:  1 * 1 EA
Fournisseur:  MP Biomedicals
Description:   Storage: Room Temperature
Polysorbate 20 is nonionic surfactants derived from sorbitan ester, it is soluble or dispersible in water but differ widely in organic and oil solubility.
Polysorbate 20 is typically used as an emulsifying agent for the preparation of stable oil-in-water emulsions, particularly in pharmaceutical applications. It is also used in pre-extraction of membranes to remove peripheral proteins & as a blocking agent on nitrocellulose at a typical concentration of 0.05%.
Series of nonionic surfactants derived from sorbitan esters. They are soluble or dispersible in water but differ widely in organic and oil solubilities. Used as oil-in-water emulsifiers in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, cleaning compounds, etc.
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI56-746)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   DNAJC9 is upregulated at both mRNA and protein levels after various mitogenic and stress stimulations. DNAJC9 is mainly localized in cell nuclei under normal culture conditions, and transported into cytoplasm and plasma membrane upon heat shock stress through a non-classical and lipid-dependent pathway. DNAJC9 can interact with HSP70s and activate the ATPase activity of HSP70s, both of which are dependent on the J domain. Research has indicated that DNAJC9 is a novel cochaperone for HSP70s.
UOM:  1 * 400 µl
New Product
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI31-223)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   CEBPA is a bZIP transcription factor which can bind as a homodimer to certain promoters and enhancers. It can also form heterodimers with the related proteins CEBP-beta and CEBP-gamma. It has been shown to bind to the promoter and modulate the expression of the gene encoding leptin, a protein that plays an important role in body weight homeostasis. Also, CEBPA can interact with CDK2 and CDK4, thereby inhibiting these kinases and causing growth arrest in cultured cells.
UOM:  1 * 50 µG
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI50-255)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Neurofilaments are the 10nm or intermediate filament proteins specifically in neurons, and are composed predominantly of three major proteins called NF-
NF-M and NF-H. NF-L is the neurofilament light or low molecular weight polypeptide and runs on SDS-PAGE gels at about 68 kDa. Antibodies to NF-L are useful for identifying neuronal cells and their processes in tissue sections and in tissue culture. Mutations in the protein region of the human NF-L gene cause some forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Numéro de catalogue: (PRSI50-256)

Fournisseur:  ProSci Inc.
Description:   Neurofilaments are the 10nm or intermediate filament proteins found specifically in neurons, and are composed predominantly of three major proteins called NF-L, NF-M and NF-H. NF-L is the neurofilament light or low molecular weight polypeptide and runs on SDS-PAGE gels at about 68 kDa. Antibodies to NF-L are useful for identifying neuronal cells and their processes in tissue sections and in tissue culture. Mutations in the protein coding region of the human NF-L gene cause some forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
UOM:  1 * 100 µl
Fournisseur:  Cytiva
Description:   Ni Sepharose™ excel est un milieu IMAC pré-chargé avec des ions nickel très fortement liés à un ligand chélatant. Les échantillons qui provoquent habituellement une réextraction des ions métalliques peuvent donc être chargés sur le milieu. Ni Sepharose™ excel est principalement conçu pour la capture et la purification des protéines marquées à l'histidine sécrétées dans les surnageants de cultures cellulaires des cellules eucaryotes telles que les cellules d'insectes ou les cellules CHO.
Fournisseur:  STEMCELL Technologies
Description:   Betacellulin is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, and signals through EGF receptor and ERBB4. It activates ERK and AKT pathways, which induces neural stem cell proliferation and prevents spontaneous differentiation in culture. Betacellulin stimulates the expansion of neural stem cells, transit-amplifying cells, and neuroblasts derived from subventricular zone and dentate gyrus (Gómez-Gaviro <i>et al.</i>). It is a potent mitogen for retinal pigment epithelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. Betacellulin down-regulates E-cadherin expression in ovarian cancer cell lines via MEK/ERK1/2 and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways, thus increasing cell migration (Zhao <i>et al.</i>). It is a modulator of interferon (IFN) response and enhances anti-viral effects of IFN (Al-Yahya <i>et al.</i>). Betacellulin is expressed in pancreatic α cells, β cells, and duct cells. It induces the proliferation of pancreatic cancer cell lines, inhibits apoptosis, promotes the neogenesis of β cells, and converts non-β cells into insulin-producing cells (Kawaguchi <i>et al.</i>; Miyagawa al.; Saito <i>et al.</i>).
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