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Getting the best out of solid core technology for small and large molecule analysis


Thursday, 25th February, 2021  
Session 1 : 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)
​​​​​​​Session 2 : 19:00 to 20:00 CET(Berlin, Paris, Madrid)

Session 1 Session 2

The growth of solid core particle technology in liquid chromatography has seen an increase in the applicability of these types of particles to a wider range of workflow solutions, including the separation of large biomolecules. Additionally, there has also been an increase in the diversity of stationary phases available to the separation scientist. This presentation will begin by reviewing some of the fundamental benefits of solid core technology, moving onto how to best utilise the new technology.

We will discuss:

  • Impact of different pore sizes and pore volumes on separation performance and loading capacity
  • Separations, including intact and partially digested mAbs as well as full tryptic digests
  • Troubleshooting aspects including the impact of flow rate on method transfer

For more information, please contact us at

Presented by:

Tony Edge

Tony Edge is the R&D Manager at Avantor, heading a team of specialist scientists in developing next generation stationary phases for HPLC. He has worked in both manufacturing and also industry, having periods of employment at LGC and also AstraZeneca as well as Thermo Fisher Scientific and latterly Agilent Technologies. In 2008, he was fortunate enough to be awarded the Desty memorial lecture for his contributions to innovating separation science, and in the same year also won a clinical excellence award from AstraZeneca. Tony’s current interests are centred on improving the extraction process and high temperature chromatography. Tony was awarded an honorary fellowship at Liverpool University, where he lectures on separation science, and also lectures at Keele University on management in analytical science. Tony is also the President of The Chromatographic Society in the UK, and a contributing editor for the Chromatography Today magazine. Tony is also part of the Reid Bioanalytical conference organising committee, and a permanent member of the scientific committee for the International Symposium on Chromatography.

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