Eiwitten en peptiden
ProSci Inc.
CD86 (B7-2) is a 60-100 kDa variably glycosylated protein in the B7 family. B7 family members are transmembrane cell surface molecules that play important roles in immune activation and the maintenance of immune tolerance. B7-2 is highly expressed on activated antigen presenting cells (APC), e.g. B cells, dendritic cells and monocytes as well as on vascular endothelial cells. B7-2 and the closely related CD80 (B7-1) exhibit overlapping but distinct functional properties. Their binding to CD28, which is constitutively expressed on T cells, enhances T cell receptor signalling and also provides TCR-independent costimulation. B7-1 and B7-2 additionally bind the CD28-related protein CTLA-4, which is up-regulated and recruited to the immunological synapse (IS) at the onset of T cell activation. CTLA-4 ligation inhibits the T cell response and supports regulatory T cell function. B7-2 is expressed earlier than B7-1 following APC activation and both proteins bind with higher affinity to CTLA-4 than to CD28. B7-2 promotes the stabilisation of CD28 in the IS, while B7-1 is primarily responsible for promoting CTLA-4 recruitment and accumulation in the IS. The relative participation of B7-1 and B7-2 in T cell costimulation can also alter the Th1/Th2 bias of the immune response. Both B7-1 and B7-2 serve as cellular receptors for B species adenoviruses.
1 * 1 EA
ProSci Inc.
PARP-2 [ARTD2] is involved in the base excision repair (BER) pathway, by catalyzing the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of a limited number of acceptor proteins involved in chromatin architecture and in DNA metabolism. This modification follows DNA damages and appears as an obligatory step in a detection/signalling pathway leading to the reparation of DNA strand breaks.
1 * 1 EA
ProSci Inc.
The prolactin receptor (PRLR) is a member of the class I cytokine/lactogen receptor family which mediates the diverse cellular actions of prolactin in several tissues. PRLRs are expressed in normal and neoplastic human breast tissue, and in most breast cancer cells. PRLR contains an extracellular region that binds prolactin, a transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmatic region required for the activation of the Jak2–Stat5 signal transduction pathway by Prl which is essential for transcriptional activation of all known prolactin regulated genes. PRLRs have also been observed in ovarian follicular cells of mice, pigs, sheep, deer, and humans, as well as in luteal tissue in cow and horse ovaries. Furthermore, PRLR knockout mice exhibit failure of embryonic implantation, reduced number of mature oocytes, and low fertilisation rates. Knockout females also display a reduced number of primary follicles.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
Surfactant Pulmonary-Associated Protein D (SP-D) is a 43 kDa member of the collectin family of innate immune modulators. Its principal components consist of a collagen-like region and a C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD), a structure that places it in a subset of pattern recognition proteins termed defense collagens. SP-D is constitutively secreted by alveolar lining cells and epithelium associated with tubular structures and induced in cardiac smooth muscle and endothelial cells. It binds both secreted and transmembrane proteins that transduce its function. It binds human neutrophil defensins, modulating influenza anti-viral defense. It binds MD-2/LY96, a secreted protein that cooperates with Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the response of macrophages to bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or cell wall components. It also binds macrophage CD14 and TLRs directly, blocking binding of LPS and down-regulating TNF- alpha secretion. SP-D binding of both SIRP alpha and the calreticulin/CD91 complex on macrophages allows for a graded response to environmental challenge.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
Ferritin is a large, iron-storage heteropolymeric protein,which is expressed in most kinds of cells and co-assemble in different proportion in a tissue-specific manner. Ferritin has oligomer of 24 subunits and two types of subunits including light chain(FTL) and heavy chain. Ferritin can remove Fe (Ⅱ) from solution in the presence of oxygen and is very important for iron homeostasis. Iron is absorbed in the ferrous form and deposited as ferric hydroxides after oxidation. Iron is first oxidised to the ferric state for storage as ferric oxyhdroxide whithin the protein shell of ferritin. Thus, ferritin removes excess iron from the cell sap where it could otherwise participate in peroxidation mechanisms. Ferritin also plays a role in delivery of iron to cells and mediates iron uptake in capsule cells of the developing kidney.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
Transmembrane Protease Serine 11B (TMPRSS11B) is a single-pass type II membrane protein member of the peptidase S1 family. TMPRSS11B contains one peptidase S1 domain and one SEA domain. TMPRSS11B is a serine protease that may play some biological role in the host defense system on the mucous membrane independently of or in cooperation with other substances in airway mucous or bronchial secretions.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
Human Interleukin 1 Family Member 10 (IL-1F10) is thought to participate in a network of Interleukin 1 cytokine family members to regulate adapted and innate immune responses. IL-1F10 was expressed in fetal skin, spleen and tonsil, mostly in the basal epithelia of skin and in proliferating B-cells of the tonsil. IL-1F10 binds soluble IL-1 receptor type 1 and may be implicated in regulating adapted and innate immune responses. Two alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding the same protein have been reported.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
C19orf10 is a secreted protein which belongs to the UPF0556 family. It is expressed in synovial tissue and detected in synovial fluid of patients with arthropaties. C19orf10 plays a role in proliferation of lymphoid cells and is considered an interleukin.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
Mouse Sonic Hedgehog Homolog (SHH) belongs to a three-protein family called Hedgehog. The other two family members are Indian Hedgehog (IHH) and Desert Hedgehog (DHH). Hedgehog proteins are key signaling molecules in embryonic development. SHH is expressed in various embryonic tissues and plays critical roles in regulating the patterning of many systems, such as limbs and brain. SHH also plays an important role in adult, including the division of adult stem cells and the development of certain cancers and other diseases.Mouse Shh is synthesised as a 437 aa precursor that contains a 24 aa signal sequence and a 413 aa mature region. The mature region is autocatalytically processed into a nonglycosylated, 20 kDa, 174 aa Nterminal fragment (ShhN), and a catalyticprocessing,glycosylated, 34 kDa, 239 aa Cterminal fragment. The 20 kDa ShhN fragment is the core of the active hedgehog molecule. Mouse ShhN is 99%, 98%, and 100% aa identical to human, rat and gerbil ShhN, respectively.
1 * 50 µG
Cayman Chemical
Pepstatin A
ProSci Inc.
BAP3 peptide is used for blocking the activity of BAP3 antibody.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
LGI3 peptide is used for blocking the activity of LGI3 antibody.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
RTP801 peptide is used for blocking the activity of RTP801 antibody.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
DR3 peptide is used for blocking the activity of DR3 antibody.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
DR4 peptide is used for blocking the activity of DR4 antibody.
1 * 50 µG
ProSci Inc.
FLIP peptide is used for blocking the activity of FLIP antibody.
1 * 50 µG
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